View Full Version : Feel like corners of mouth are leaking

06-01-17, 13:23
When I read my son a story or if I'm singing, I feel like saliva is pooling and leaking at the corner of my mouth or is about to. Has anybody experienced this? I'm already stressed about MND as I keep having vibrating in my pelvis which I am seeing GP about next week (not gas).

Trying not to freak out 😔

06-01-17, 15:17
Is it actually pooling in your mouth, and drooling, or does it just feel like it?

06-01-17, 16:14
It feels like it, it's not really escaping and running down my face

06-01-17, 21:32
Yes, I sometimes get that feeling. I don't know why, but I have two guesses: Because I'm usually grumpy so maybe my mouth is forming into a permanent upside-down smile or because my skin is sagging with age.

07-01-17, 00:20
What we "perceive" and what is "reality" are many times two different things. Clearly this is not happening even though you "feel" it is. IMO, a totally anxiety related symptom. I'm sorry this is stressing you out but try to think logically and see what I'm saying.

Positive thoughts

07-01-17, 01:46
I have felt this way before, sometimes to the point that I have to keep wiping the corners of my mouth with my fingers to make sure there's not a lot of saliva coming out (there never is, but it sure feels like it).

I can't remember what was going on, the times I had this sensation.
I think it was times when i was very, very tired (like, hadn't slept the night before).

Anyway, mine always went away. I'm sure yours will too. Best of luck.

07-01-17, 22:10
Me too. I've had this.:mad:

08-01-17, 03:10
Weird, I get this too! Seems to happen when I'm focusing on something like the TV or computer. I've noticed it occasionally for as long as I can remember but it's not one of the things that has really bothered me.

08-01-17, 16:13
I am actually getting this as we speak but I actually have small amounts of liquid seep out and I usually notice wetness in my goatee.

Im not googling, if its lethal Im going to have to be blissfully unaware.