View Full Version : Thumb Sucking???

06-01-17, 15:15
So, I have had a lot of unusual symptoms that seem to come with my anxiety. Confusion, headaches, brain fog, aspasia, insomnia, itching, jitters, flushing and I'm pretty sure there's a lot more than that. Basically, I have had all of the symptoms that can come with anxiety. But this problem isn't really a physical symptom, it's a behaviour.
I can't stop thumb sucking.
I know, it's weird. But it's really calming to me. I tend to do this when I'm at my worst or when I'm trying to sleep. Is this a normal thing..?

14-01-17, 00:32
I can't see why not. I sucked my thumb from birth to around 21. I don't now but when I put it in my mouth it doesn't feel odd and brings back happy memories. I was never embarrassed by it either and neither should you be. If it helps to comfort you then go for it. My mam always used to try and scare me by saying i would need braces as my teeth would be pushed out but I never have needed any :)

Clydesdale Epona
14-01-17, 01:31
Its actually far more common than you probably think, I have a huge thing for lollipops myself, sucking on things gives me as much relaxation as it would to someone who was fiddling with a pen. sucking on things is naturally calming for anxiety and seeing as its your thumb which you always sucked on as a child it will be double calming, when I fall asleep I curl in the tightest ball and just rock backwards and forwards, again its a little part of my babyhood when I felt safe and happy, so like pepperpot said if it helps you then just go for it, I have often been told that curling in a fetal position and hugging a pillow/teddy bear is not very grown up but the jokes on them because I get a great nights sleep haha x

Catherine S
14-01-17, 01:31
I see that you are a young student, so the thumb sucking is still very much a continuation of a childhood habit. I'm 63, can you picture me doing it? ...no, me neither :) I tend to think that as you get older and move further away from childhood, you will find other things to comfort you. But for now just go with it.