View Full Version : started on mirtazapine

06-01-17, 20:01
Hi ppl,
I was just after any other peoples experiences with mirtazapine for anxiety. Started off on 15mg for a week then my doc upped the dose to 30mg yesterday. Today I'm feeling depressed like a flat sort of mood if that makes any sense. Could this be a temporary side effect till the body adjusts?

08-01-17, 15:14
It's listed in the side effects although it is not very common I have been on mirtazapine for many many years and have fluctuated from 15 to 45 then back down again currently on 45. It does not appear you have been taking it for long enough for it to have any real effect it takes time be patient and in time you will know if it is the right medication for you. With mirtazapine the lower the dose the more the sedative effect higher doses focus more on the depression/anxiety increase in appetite is very common and they can also be very useful as a sleep aid for many users but all in all I would say give it time and thing will become more clear in the following weeks good luck and take care

08-01-17, 16:58
I take mirt (15mg) along with couple other meds, found that it had very few side effects compared to some of the other anti depressants i have tried. Was very sedative for first couple doses then was fine. I think i need my dose increased though

08-01-17, 17:06
Cheers for the replies

08-01-17, 17:53
Hopefully they will kick in soon for you and notice a change, is this your first med for it?

08-01-17, 19:07
I started on this 8 months ago, first on 15mg then on 30mg for bad anxiety with insomnia, at first it made me feel very drowsy and like I had an internal tremor but that settled after a few weeks and I still had break through anxiety for a few months but I feel much better now and glad I'm on it. I'd give it a few months to see the full effects.

08-01-17, 22:03
There's a sub-forum (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/forumdisplay.php?f=64) specifically geared toward Mirtazapine.

Positive thoughts