View Full Version : Is breast cancer caused by gallstones

06-01-17, 21:35
I have gallstones and I get pain sometimes from them and I'm afraid of surgery. I was reading something that linked breast cancer to gallstones and now I'm scared. I would think that one has nothing to do with the other but after reading that it's got me worrying. Anyone think there's any truth to that?

Sam Winter
07-01-17, 00:08
If i'm being completely honest with you i don't believe there's much truth in it.
everyday we're being told things like "GERD could be linked to throat cancer" "endometriosis could be linked to ovary cancer" i also hear stuff like "burnt toast and tomatoes could increase your chance of cancer" honestly cancer is something that happens, and while we can do things to help prevent a lil bit the best we can do is catch it early enough, i don't know maybe it's just because i hear about it a lot you know? i'm kinda seeing how silly the internet and news can be sometimes haha x

07-01-17, 01:12
Thank you for your reply. I asked online dr at healthtap if there is a link he said yes I'm scared now but I never seen it talked about before I'm hoping that he is wrong. It was a free question. Im going insane with worry now though I was hoping he would say no.

07-01-17, 02:24
I read an article that there is an island were dinosaurs still exist. Comical really :) See where I'm going with this?

Positive thoughts

07-01-17, 02:39
Lol thank you

07-01-17, 02:53
That said... ignoring gallstones can cause some pretty nasty issues with your liver, pancreas and gallbladder. Trust me, you don't want a.n.y. of those problems.. get your gallbladder out.

07-01-17, 09:35
I would say the link is much like their being a rise in ice cream sales when people are buying shorts. Buying shorts doesn't cause you to buy a nice cream but the fact that the whether is warmer causes both of these things.

So unhealthy eating, lack of exercise, being overweight can (doesn't always) increase the risk of gallstones and it can increase (doesn't always) the risk of many cancers. The link between them is lifestyle but simply having gallstones will not give you cancer and having cancer will not give you gallstones.

07-01-17, 13:10
I have gallstones and I get pain sometimes from them and I'm afraid of surgery. I was reading something that linked breast cancer to gallstones and now I'm scared. I would think that one has nothing to do with the other but after reading that it's got me worrying. Anyone think there's any truth to that?

Please go and get them removed. I had them 4 years ago and I promise you the surgery is nothing compared to the pain they cause. I was terrified of the surgery cried the whole time until they knocked me out but after I was so relived id had it done. Don't read up about it on the internet people love to moan and make things seem awful and it's nothing like that I went down to theatre at 11am and was going home by 7pm I was hanging washing out (very carefully) 2 days later and at the pub for a family meal 4 days later.