View Full Version : Son has lump on knee

06-01-17, 22:41
This is my first post. I'm terrified.

My beautiful, perfect 3 year old son is the love of my life and more. 2.5 weeks ago, out of nowhere, I saw a dime-sized lump right where his kneecap would be. It's soft and mobile. It's very slightly pink. It's gotten slightly bigger. He has no known injury. It doesn't bother him.

So I'm a nurse in a hospital, which makes me panic even more as uncommon things seem common in my world. As such, the very next day, I had him in for an Xray (which showed nothing) and an ultrasound (which showed nothing). Ultrasound didn't even show this lump, which I can SEE WITH MY EYES.

I've made the mistake of googling "toddler knee lump" (not recommended). I keep reading about sarcomas, and how they're often mistaken for benign things and are soft, painless, mobile and round. They usually aren't diagnosed until it's too late because everyone thinks it's nothing. --A true hypochondriac's nightmare. Three doctors weren't excited about it, but all said "watch and wait," which makes me envision cancer spreading all over while we sit idly by.

I'm barely able to make it through the work day, I'm so afraid. I don't know how I'm going to bring myself to trust the doctors and not think it's a misdiagnosis.

Can you give me advice on benign knee lumps, and on how to let this go? Please. I'm begging. I want to return to my beautiful life with my beautiful son being healthy and happy forever.

Cross-posting for more info. Thank you.

06-01-17, 23:24
I really sympathize with you, it's so difficult when ha takes focus on your child, sent me into a major depression last year.
I'm sorry I know little about knee lumps but have 7 kids & know sometimes things like this come & go. I'm sure your little one will be fine especially as three doctors not concerned & if there were concerns they wouldn't tell you to watch & wait. Take care xx

07-01-17, 03:49
I once got a lump on the point of my elbow, it sagged down about 1cm. It was mobile, and felt like it had fluid inside. There was no pain at all and it cleared up without treatment. Someone I knew went to the doc with the same thing, he said it was caused by pressure such as pressing the elbow on a table too much and that it's more common in bony people! I think you can also get it by kneeling too much.

07-01-17, 05:07
I'm so sorry you're going through this. I know how you feel. I have a perfect, beautiful 3 year old boy too. A few months ago he started breaking out in petechiae here and there. His knees were also bruising A LOT. I thought the worst. Ped diagnosed ITP brought on by a nasty viral infection he'd had three weeks prior. It cleared up. But during those couple weeks before we figured it out, I was beside myself.

Please try to remember that google skews everything. It gives you THE WORST and least likely possible outcomes FIRST. It's not representative of reality, or real odds.

If you're going to lose your mind watching and waiting, can you just ask someone to biopsy it? Not because I think it's something to be alarmed about, but because it might save you a few weeks of agonizing.

I get it, it's absolutely terrifying when your child's health is (in your mind) called into question. Big hugs.

07-01-17, 08:01
I understand how you feel, I have three children and when I have been through HA about them, it's the worst feeling in the world. I think it's worse even than worry about your own health because you would rather have something happen to yourself than to them.
I had a moveable lump on my forearm last year and went rushing to the emergency doctor, ready to plan my own funeral. Turns out it was just a fatty lump which the doctor was totally unconcerned about. He even showed me that he had one too in a similar place on his arm.

07-01-17, 16:46
Thanks for the responses. <3
Certainly I would die a thousand deaths right this minute if it would somehow keep my baby safe and healthy for life. I should be reassured by the ultrasound, I'm just not. In fact yesterday at work I cornered 3 ultrasound techs and an orthopedic surgeon, asking them all about this. None were excited. Why can't I tap into their lack of enthusiasm?
I can SEE this lump, though! Ugh! Just GO AWAY!

07-01-17, 18:01
That's seven docs and techs you've asked? :)
Tell your kid not to kneel on it to allow it to heal naturally. I had mine for quite a while, so you'll have to get used to looking at it, I'm afraid.

07-01-17, 20:58
I know how hard it can be when you think something is wrong with your child, but I'm sure he's just fine. Especially if that many doctors agree that it's nothing to worry about. My seven year old has a small, lumpy bruise on her shin that's been there for a couple of months. I too Googled and of course the worst comes up. I showed it to the doctor, and she seemed unconcerned and said it was a hematoma and that it will most likely go away on it's own. Kids get bumps and bruises a lot and most of the time it's nothing serious.