View Full Version : Cat scratch and Tetanus fear

07-01-17, 00:32

I have an adopted cat with 1 front paw. With that paw she does everything, including bury her fecal matter into dirt and into sand.

Today she scratched me on the finger and it drew blood, I don't think the wound is deep, but there was some blood. I washed the wound with water and rinsed with alcohol (for wounds).

My last tetanus shot was more than 10 years ago, and I think I got in total 3 shots in my life. It's weekend so I can't get to the doctor until Monday, unless I go to the ER.

So question: should I go to ER? Should I call them? It's Friday today, can I wait until Monday (would still probably have to come Tuesday), or is that too late? Am I overreacting? How soon does Tetanus strike?

Thanks in advance for any kind of input!:)

07-01-17, 00:38
Clean the wound and that's it. This does not warrant an ER visit. make an appointment with a vet to make sure your cat is vaccinated in good health. One last thing... enjoy your kitty!

Positive thoughts

07-01-17, 01:42
Cleaning and disinfecting it should be sufficient.
I'm not sure whether cat scratches can cause tetanus- I've never heard of that- but when I scalded my hand with boiling water by accident I received a tetanus shot, so i guess a wide range of things can potentially cause it. If you've had a tetanus shot within the past ten years, you should be protected. Or you could always go get another one, I suppose.
Personally, i'd be more worried about Cat Scratch Disease (although it is typically not serious). A few years ago, I had two rowdy and playful cats, and my hands were constantly covered with scratches from them. But when one scratched my youngest son on the cheek when he was just a few months old, I got rid of them immediately. I didn't want him to get Cat Scratch Disease from them.
Anyway, I think you will be fine. just put some alcohol or antibacterial ointment on it. Good luck.

Oh, and here:


Someone else asked your exact question. Apparently it's not really necessary, but you may be overdue for a tetanus shot so it wouldn't hurt to just go get one anyway.

Catherine S
07-01-17, 01:51
We haven't had a cat scratch tetanus fear for a while now, we had a flurry of theads about this a few months ago. As the others have said you will be fine. You've cleaned and disinfected the scratch, maybe put a little antiseptic cream on it too if you have any and don't worry. Also, if this worry stays with you maybe book yourself in for an up to date tetanus shot.

And despite the description of cat scratch disease please don't focus on this, the chances of contracting this are extremely slim.


07-01-17, 07:07
We haven't had a cat scratch tetanus fear for a while now, we had a flurry of theads about this a few months ago. As the others have said you will be fine. You've cleaned and disinfected the scratch, maybe put a little antiseptic cream on it too if you have any and don't worry. Also, if this worry stays with you maybe book yourself in for an up to date tetanus shot.

And despite the description of cat scratch disease please don't focus on this, the chances of contracting this are extremely slim.


I disagree: do focus on Cat Scratch Disease, which is not uncommon and also is not serious, despite the name. It requires no treatment.
Don't focus on Tetanus, which is serious and rare.
I mean, if you must "focus" on anything at all, which you probably must, considering you have health anxiety.

07-01-17, 12:16
Thanks for the answers. I washed the wound with water, soap, and ethyl alcohol disinfectant. I am behind for a booster shot, and I'll try to get that going next week. Was just kind of worried if that will be too late, but I guess I'll risk it. :)

Catherine S
07-01-17, 12:27
GlassPinata, the OP was already focused on tetanus and we were trying to discourage that. Suggesting another 'disease' to a person with health anxiety is planting another seed. You or I would know something like cat scratch disease isn't serious, lots of things we can contract in the big bad world are harmless, but try telling that to a hypochondriac once they latch onto the word 'disease'.


07-01-17, 15:10
GlassPinata, the OP was already focused on tetanus and we were trying to discourage that. Suggesting another 'disease' to a person with health anxiety is planting another seed. You or I would know something like cat scratch disease isn't serious, lots of things we can contract in the big bad world are harmless, but try telling that to a hypochondriac once they latch onto the word 'disease'.


Cat Scratch Disease is a bit of a misleading name. It is a very minor and common illness. If he googles it (which he probably will), he will be reassured, rather than alarmed.