View Full Version : Just another bump in the road....

07-01-17, 03:19
So I haven't posted a ton on here but I am most definitely a lurker. I've had health anxiety and panic attacks for over 20 years now, not constant but it always comes in phases. I don't know what exactly started the cycle again a year or so ago, but overall I've been managing pretty well. And then last weekend I come down with the flu.

What is it about about common illness that we all get at one time or another, that triggers our anxiety? I may have to return to college someday and do my thesis on this topic :D At least once a year, I get bronchitis. In years past it's been no big deal...I ride it out and it goes away. This year, what started as mild chest congestion is once again in my bronchial passages, but this time I'm struggling to kick the negative thoughts. So, I come back on here, to lurk, and respond to others posts on unrelated topics, because I find that helps distract me from my own issues.

In a roundabout way, that was my purpose of this post -- to encourage those locked in the HA struggle to read others posts, and if you don't have advice or a way to relate to the poster, just offer words of encouragement. Take the focus away from your struggles and concentrate on helping someone else. You may find that you help yourself in the process :D

Here's to wishing everyone a wonderful, anxiety-free, weekend!!!


07-01-17, 08:00
Yes, offering help to others certainly does help me. Takes my mind from my own problems I suppose