View Full Version : Lung.

07-01-17, 13:56
I am freaking out again about my left side back pain which sometimes feels in the front same height under my left boob. I have had this for over 2 month and i keep thinking it's my lung. I am shattered, night sweats, break out in a sweat when i do anything, feel like i can't breath right and i have no cough but i bring mucous up during the day. I have had my oxygen levels checked (99%), chest and lungs listened to and tapped and all my bloods done and all ok so why am i feeling like this? I have just been shopping and i feel like what i would imagine asthma to feel like.

07-01-17, 15:57
Hi, I really feel for you. Two months is a long time to be anxious about a pain.

If you had your lungs checked and blood tests done did you also speak to a Dr? What was the diagnosis?

I've experienced similar pain which turned out to be a pulled muscle. But before I knew that I too suspected a problem with my lung. Until I was diagnosed, I experienced breathlessness, dizziness and tiredness. All due to anxiety it seems.

Your anxiety over this pain can cause you more discomfort than the actual pain itself.
Night sweats and waking during the night are often due to anxiety.

As long as you fcus on what your mind believes is a problem, you'll continue to experience the symptoms.

Why not go back to the Dr? Ask for advice.
Maybe you just need some physio.

You also need reassurance so you can get relief frm your anxiety.

07-01-17, 22:45
I am having a lung obsession at the moment too. I've had a sore right lung for a few months now and have convinced myself it's a metastatic secondary �� I'm hoping Im just imagining the pain to be worse than it is due to my
hypochondria. If I wasn't pregnant I'd get a chest X-ray. But if you're like me then you would probably just find another thing to worry about then. Hope it passes for you.

08-01-17, 00:43
I have asthma zippy, well controlled, but I do struggle to tell the difference between my asthma and anxiety. Chances are after tests it will be anxiety. A lot of the symptoms do mimic. What makes u think asthma x

08-01-17, 10:13
My dad has asthma too and he often has facial steam bath every day. It works! I mean the asthma is not totally gone but it's under control. So you may try it :)

08-01-17, 12:49
I don't know what asthma feels like but it feels like right at the back of my throat is raw when i breath. Like when you have been doing heavy exercise or something. Coupled with the left side back pain for 2 months i am worried.

08-01-17, 12:52
Hmm u c to me that would suggest more allergies. Asthma feels more like when u can't take a breath or ur chest feels tight (Hence y I struggle to tell the difference at times) and wheeziness too xx

12-01-17, 21:24
I'm feeling like this also, fell like I can't get a full breath, every time I do anything I sweat, I wake up constantly in the night. I've been doctors and been told it's anxiety, it's the worst symptom of anxiety I've ever had.