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07-01-17, 21:56
So I had a big panic attack about 6pm lasted a good half hour. After it my tummy and chest have been shaking or vibrating really really strongly, is that normal ?

Also I feel like I'm not breathing naturally and I have to catch myself.to actually breath right, my nose feels blocked and I feel like I'm getting no air when breathing through the chest

Are these after effects of an attack ?

07-01-17, 22:11
Yes, most likely they are. I just had one myself. I was in church and had to leave. These are horrible . I just started having them recently. Going to doctor Monday. I am scared. Hopefully she will prescribe something to help with them. Do you take meds? If so, which one?

07-01-17, 22:11
@Insideout. Do you also get to feeling cold with those shakes or vibrating? That often happens with me after winding down from a major panic attack. And yeah the breathing thing, like you can't get enough air, happens with a panic attack as well. They call it Hyperventilation.

Breath through your nose and hold your breath for a few seconds, then let it out through your mouth. That sometimes helps. Are you could do the breath in a paper bag trick and see if that works.

07-01-17, 22:15

I'm not in Meds as I beat this before many years ago but now it's back. The 2 big ones I have had have both been on days when I only had a few hours sleep the night before

My legs and tummy and chest feel like they are charged up with a vibration machine

The breathing thing is weird it's like I stop breathing until I remember I need to breath but could I still feel a bit breathless after a panic attack ? Rather than the full blown breathlessness you get during one ?

Also this time my heart didn't race at all isn't that weird ? I did take a beta blocker though but it was 75bpm where as last time it was 160 can anyone explain that ?

07-01-17, 22:24
Yes, most likely they are. I just had one myself. I was in church and had to leave. These are horrible . I just started having them recently. Going to doctor Monday. I am scared. Hopefully she will prescribe something to help with them. Do you take meds? If so, which one?

Hey Nurseanxiety, I currently take Atvian (Larazopam) when I feel a panic attack come on. I find it helps a lot. Makes me feel a little drunk though, but everybody is different in how they react to it.

---------- Post added at 16:24 ---------- Previous post was at 16:16 ----------


I'm not in Meds as I beat this before many years ago but now it's back. The 2 big ones I have had have both been on days when I only had a few hours sleep the night before

My legs and tummy and chest feel like they are charged up with a vibration machine

The breathing thing is weird it's like I stop breathing until I remember I need to breath but could I still feel a bit breathless after a panic attack ? Rather than the full blown breathlessness you get during one ?

Also this time my heart didn't race at all isn't that weird ? I did take a beta blocker though but it was 75bpm where as last time it was 160 can anyone explain that ?

Sounds to me like you're having a mild one now. You're focusing too much on everything about your body. Breath in through the nose and out through the mouth, man.

07-01-17, 22:38
It's been like this since 6pm though ?

07-01-17, 22:55
It's been like this since 6pm though ?

And it's about 11 P.M. now, across the pond, right? Thing is, you can have panic attacks off and on all day. Really! I've had them like that before, from mild ones to major full blown ones in a 24 hour period.

And BTW, if you're getting doom and gloom feelings with all of this too, that's pretty much a common symptom of panic attacks. But if you're not sure, maybe you should go to the ER for peace of mind. They'll run the proper tests on you and tell you for sure what's going on. :winks:

07-01-17, 23:09
Hi yes it's 11. I'm not going to go to e.r as I know it was a panic attack, I am just sick of them as I had beat this for 5 years with not a single attack then bam out of nowhere they are back although I have been anxious the past year or 2 since I stopped going to the gym etc and it's all been building up and now this is what I am left with

07-01-17, 23:22
Okay well I was just wondering, because at one point you didn't sound like you were sure. But if you know it was definitely a panic attack, then it's more likely another one is trying to come on. And that happens, I've had them happen like that.

But you mentioned still not being able to breath quite right, after having the panic attack after 6 P.M. You wouldn't happen to suffer from any acid reflux or GERD would you? Because that can screw with your breathing pattern too and anxiety or panic attacks just seem to make it worse at times.

I have GERD and it's always felt like pressure is pressing on the lower parts of my lungs, like I'm not getting the full amount of air, to where I have to force myself to breath in and out properly. Does any of that sound familiar?

08-01-17, 08:36
I have had the same symptoms, during and after a panic attack. I used to take ativan.. I still have a couple left from a prescription given to me from a year ago. Ativan definitely helps but try not to depend on it. I have heard horror stories about getting off Ativan (not trying to scare you). If you eat spicy/greasy foods or have poor eating habits, you could have heart burn or acid reflux, I've heard that it effects the way you breath.. or maybe I'm thinking of gerd. Little changes can go a long way. Hope you're feeling better!

08-01-17, 10:44
Thanks. I just feel like I'm having one long on and off panic attack since 6pm last night I haven't had that before, usually have one then it goes. My body is just tingling everywhere on and off and when I walk I feel so dizzy.

I used to get this sometimes if I had a bad hangover I would be anxious for days

I don't think I want to go on Meds as I beat this naturally before

What I don't get is everyone says if you laugh at it and try and make it worse you will stop getting them but I have been doing that until last night and I'm still getting them

08-01-17, 11:34
Hi so last few days I have a feeling on my upper back of tightness as though someone has put tape on my back. It's hard to explain what the he'll. This ?

08-01-17, 11:37
have merged your threads

08-01-17, 18:13
Ok so an update

As you know I was ruffling since last night up u till 12pm today I saw a video that said let it all out, shout and scream and punch things. I did this and I have been fine today

But now I think k I'm coming down with something, my chest and back feel tight and I feel hot so wondering if this has been to blame for the severity of my panic

08-01-17, 19:21
Ok so an update

As you know I was ruffling since last night up u till 12pm today I saw a video that said let it all out, shout and scream and punch things. I did this and I have been fine today

But now I think k I'm coming down with something, my chest and back feel tight and I feel hot so wondering if this has been to blame for the severity of my panic

Good to hear. Sounds like you worked out all that left over adrenaline from the panic attack yesterday. And it does sound like it might be muscle tension from the anxiety\panic attacks. You got a heating pad or something? Or maybe take a warm shower\bath and see if that helps with the tightness.

08-01-17, 22:22
Yea I'll keep doing this. I haven't yet it's so weird it's like there is tape on my back.what could that be ? Never noticed it b4

09-01-17, 00:02
Maybe it's due to your body tensing during your panic attack especially in your diaphragm muscles and afterwards it leaves them depleted like you've overworked an arm or leg muscle? I had a panic attack about a year ago and had all the same symptoms of breathlessness and racing heart rate and feeling like I couldn't get any air in even though I was gasping for it. A day or two afterwards I had this fluttering muscular feeling in my stomach that kept coming and going, I assume where the muscles are settling down after an intense workout so to speak

09-01-17, 09:11
yea it could be, i dont know what to do just now, im in a bad place, not sure how much longer i can try beat it naturally but i really dont wnat to go on meds although loads of people told me they felt great on them, i dont wnat to lose my sex drive and put on weight