View Full Version : Blood pressure spikes

Fairy Rose
08-01-17, 09:46
Can anyone help? I recently changed doctors and made an appointment to get my leg veins checked as they have been causing me some discomfort lately and making it hard to sleep.

She did a range of general health checks, all the usual stuff, but when she took my bp it was 180/120. She said that I needed medication immediately and that I could have a stroke or a heart attack at any moment. The shock has hit me hard and when I told her that my previous doc had done nothing because of my anxiety, she said she didn't care and that it was dangerous. I am now on Candesartan and having massive panic attacks which frighten me so very much. I am sleeping even less and having to wait for follow up appointment in a few days. I am living with her words constantly in my head and all the symptoms, headaches, chest pain, pounding heart, shortness of breath, shaking etc.

I bought a new bp monitor and it gave me a reading that was ridiculously high and now my arm has a dent in it from the cuff. I took it back and the chemist confirmed that it was faulty. My new one is better but I only have to think about using it and I can feel my stress going up and up. The lowest reading so far has been 156/92 which I thought was better only for me to have another massive panic attack the next time. I really thought I was going to die.

Before my appointment I did not have these symptoms, but ironically my legs have improved with the tablets. My life has completely changed now and I don't know if the doctor was right or not. Either way my bp is constantly high now and I am in a state of anxiety and terror. Can I get my life back to what it was? I think I am going crazy.

08-01-17, 13:45
U mentioned the anxiety to her, my bp is rediculously high in the surgery, but they always put it down to anxiety as it does begin to drop slightly during the appt. I don't like to mention unnessesary tests but with you having anxiety might be worth a 24hr bp monitor and then assess what's best to do then x

Fairy Rose
08-01-17, 14:50
Thank you emnemz, although it is not pleasant I am glad it is not just me. I sometimes think that the docs are looking out for their own backs rather than take what they perceive to be a risk. If my new doc is right I must have had this for months if not years. Her attitude has triggered the panics I am sure, but I am finding it hard to let it go. I've stopped taking my BP now so that I don't frighten myself and to give my arms a rest. Hopefully it will be better at the appointment but this hasn't helped.
Thanks for the 24hr suggestion, I will ask about it.

08-01-17, 16:18
It's something I am contemplating mentioning as every time I go it goes through the roof, I'm sure I can actually feel it rising. I want checking more because I feel it's high a lot of the time. Mine had always been fine up until July so who know. I'm sure it did panic you it would of done me too xx

08-01-17, 21:25
Hi. I had my bp checked at drs last week and it was high. I have to check it twice a day for a week at home. It has been high all week as has my pulse rate. I have, however, noticed that it varies even with the 2 readings I do one minute apart (as advised by gp). I have been getting panicky about other symptoms for the last 3 weeks and had an opticians appt for an in depth test on Saturday so I have had high anxiety all week. It definitely affects it, so I am trying not to worry to much

Fairy Rose
08-01-17, 22:00
Thank you for your comment. I had no idea that BP could change so much. I thought it was supposed to be stable but it seems that it changes constantly. It really frightens me when I know it is high. I can feel it building up as soon as I get the monitor out. Today has been much better and the bruising from the cuff is starting to go. I think I will wait until my appointment and let the doctor check.

09-01-17, 09:42
Throw away your monitor. You are just torturing yourself. I have had high blood pressure for about 4 years. It has nothing to do with my heart and everything to do with my anxiety. My doctor told me not to buy a home monitor because of my HA but I bought one anyway. Every reading I got was sky high and I ended up in Emergency. They hooked me up to a monitor, did some tests, gave me Valium and watched my BP drop until it was normal. Mine is in a cupboard somewhere and I'll never use it again. I've had other visits to Emergency because of my BP and the scenario is always the same. You weren't in stroke territory even with your 180/120 reading. Mine has been much higher when I have turned up in Emergency. I don't really understand what your new doctor is doing. For one thing, it is usual practice for GP's to take a BP reading 3 times before prescribing meds. Then if they do prescribe meds they would usually want to see you within a couple of days to monitor your BP. Anyway, stop using the home monitor. Stop worrying about your BP. Relax and let the meds do their work. Remember the meds are like the brakes on a car and they will stop your BP from rising too high, but you have to relax! And if you are worrying about having to take meds then stop because BP meds are some of the most life saving meds ever developed. Also, if your BP is high due to anxiety there is a good possibility that one day you will be able to stop taking them. :)

Fairy Rose
09-01-17, 09:55
Thank you swajj for your your reply. I haven't taken my BP for a few days now and I am resisting the temptation to take it now. I am sure this is all anxiety related but my doc gave me such a fright that my panic attacks since then have been extreme, I thought my head was going to explode. I think my doc is trying cover herself but just prescribing meds so quickly shocked me. Like you said I expected a few follow ups first. She has had me living with the fear of an imminent stroke or heart attack so I suppose it's not surprising that I am panicking every time I feel a twinge or think about the BP monitor.
Yesterday was a much better day so I hope that means it can't be all that bad. I did want to go to the hospital but I was scared that it would be even worse so I just sat quietly until it started to ease.
Thank you for the reassurance.

09-01-17, 10:05
When did the doctor want to see you again?

Fairy Rose
09-01-17, 11:47
I have an appointment on Thursday.

09-01-17, 12:39
Hi I have similar issues. I threw out my monitor but I get a high reading then a,normal one. It's high at Dr but usually only stage 1 but my fear is,growing. I definitely don't want neds,because I know it's all anxiety I panic attacks the sight of bp cuff are u both on meds