View Full Version : Despair/terror is that GAD or depression?

08-01-17, 09:53
I woke up feeling despair/dread which led to feeling really scared and anxious. I don't know what is wrong with me. I'm worried there is something wrong with me like psychosis or psychotic depression. How do I know if it's that or GAD?

08-01-17, 10:03
Hi! I'm pretty sure you are just experiencing GAD. If it was psychosis or psychotic depression you wouldn't be aware that your behaviour was not normal. Hope that makes sense. Maybe try and do some deep breathing or meditation or something else that is distracting. The more you scare yourself, the more anxiety you will feel.

08-01-17, 10:38
Feeling anxiety, depression, dread or despair first thing in the morning is typical of GAD. This is because our stress hormones, adrenaline and cortisol are at their highest levels at that time of the day. You'll probably find that you feel your best in the evening when the levels are lower.
I find it's best to do some physical exercise to work off the adrenaline

08-01-17, 10:48
Thank you both. I'm going to go for a walk to my mum's in a bit, i've been putting this off for ages but i'm feeling brave today.

08-01-17, 15:29
For me the dread and despair is not just on a morning ....

08-01-17, 19:22
The thing that freaks me out is that the dread and despair comes over me but im completely calm, which made me think its depression. It usually ends up in anxiety though because its such an awful feeling. Sometimes i have the urge to cry but i cant.

08-01-17, 22:04
I always feel anxiety when I first get up.

09-01-17, 12:53
I suffer from GAD and my anxiety is worse in the morning. Often wake up shaking too.

10-01-17, 15:49
Hi Arose- I think I've met you on the fluoxetine threads! My anxiety and depression is at its worst when I wake. I wake up, for a split second feel great, then it comes crashing in. It's like a massive kick in the stomach mixed with paralysing terror. I then feel rubbish until about 5pm.

When I've recovered from a relapse in the past this does go eventually. Hope it does this time!

10-01-17, 18:16
Hi Peachypips,

I can relate to what you are saying about morning. Also do you have good spells and bad spells (like days, weeks or months) or do they tend to be pnger in length?