View Full Version : Tongue Cancer Concern

08-01-17, 10:14
Hello everyone,

Just this morning as of writing this post, after brushing my teeth I noticed some white spots across my tongue that I had not noticed before. They are not painful nor do I have any symptoms. But after regrettably googling, I came across an image and thought that has caused me a great amount of anxiety.


The spots on my tongue look like that, only the inside isn't red or sore or anything like that, and there's more than just one, more so like this but without the inner redness http://www.lightskincure.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/canker-sores-on-tongue.png,

I don't drink or smoke, I'm 24 and i try to keep very healthy, but now i'm really worried that this is the first stage of tongue cancer. :weep:

Gary A
08-01-17, 10:59
Hello everyone,

Just this morning as of writing this post, after brushing my teeth I noticed some white spots across my tongue that I had not noticed before. They are not painful nor do I have any symptoms. But after regrettably googling, I came across an image and thought that has caused me a great amount of anxiety.


The spots on my tongue look like that, only the inside isn't red or sore or anything like that, and there's more than just one, more so like this but without the inner redness http://www.lightskincure.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/canker-sores-on-tongue.png,

I don't drink or smoke, I'm 24 and i try to keep very healthy, but now i'm really worried that this is the first stage of tongue cancer. :weep:

A 24 year old non smoking non drinking otherwise healthy individual has virtually zero chance of having any form of oral cancer. Get your dentist to check it out, but I can assure you that this won't be anything to do with cancer.

08-01-17, 17:45
Google geographic tongue, does it look like that? If so very normal, sometimes caused by a very minor vitamin or mineral deficiency. I get it a lot and just attribute it to being run down, it always goes away all by itself.

08-01-17, 19:01
I believe oral cancer starts more like a sore in your mouth, although i could be wrong.

08-01-17, 19:59
I'm an oral cancer survivor. "Sometimes" it can be a lesion but most times there's no symptoms to speak of initially. That's why when OC is diagnosed, it's typically in the advanced stages (like mine).

The rule is: If you have a area/lesion or node that doesn't resolve in a few weeks, see your doctor.

And remember: Cancer is an "uncontrolled growth" of abnormal cells. It doesn't come and go nor does it stop once it starts.

Also, for all you node folks. a "swollen" node is one that is reacting to a stimulus or infection/virus. I see SO many people saying their nodes are swollen when in reality, they're perfectly normal. They'll use the word "swollen" to justify their imaginary belief and feed their anxiety. Poking and prodding can and will cause a normal node to swell. Constant poking and prodding can and will cause a node to become permanently swollen or "shotty". Keep you hands off of yourself for goodness sakes!

To the OP: I'm not a doctor but what you describe does not present as anything sinister.

Positive thoughts