View Full Version : Night sweats

08-01-17, 10:14
Just need some advice.

For a few weeks now I've been having a night sweat most nights. Not enough to change bedding, but enough that my tshirt is a bit wet and my whole back and chest is wet.
Also the back of my neck.
I don't have any problems through the day, just through the night.
We got a new bed and new duvet about 3 months ago, think it could be the reason? I don't want to freak out and jump to the worst!

08-01-17, 10:33
It could also be due to a hormonal imbalance

08-01-17, 10:34
I have no idea. I'm not on any medication so can't be that. Also don't have any other symptoms that are worrying me.

08-01-17, 10:55
There are so many possible reasons, and they're almost all benign. You say you have no other symptoms, so the chances are you're just too warm, waking anxious, or experiencing some kind of hormonal issue (but nothing worrying).

I would suggest that you take whatever action needed to make your sleep environment as comfortable as possible. Then stop worrying about the situation, because this is bound to perpetuate it. If it persists, consult your GP, but not because I think you're in any danger.

08-01-17, 11:31
After I gave birth i had a hormonal imbalance. Probably common at that stage.
I had awful night sweats, waking up each night soaking wet. No other symptoms that I noticed. It sorted itself out eventually.
I don't know how old you are but this could be the cause.

08-01-17, 12:05
I am 28 x

08-01-17, 13:20
Just need some advice.

For a few weeks now I've been having a night sweat most nights. Not enough to change bedding, but enough that my tshirt is a bit wet and my whole back and chest is wet.
Also the back of my neck.
I don't have any problems through the day, just through the night.
We got a new bed and new duvet about 3 months ago, think it could be the reason? I don't want to freak out and jump to the worst!

It isn't memory foam mattress is it?

We got one of those last year and I started sweating.

08-01-17, 15:18
Its a geltex one which is supposed to keep you warm in the winter and cool in the summer!