View Full Version : Little red/purple spots

08-01-17, 12:35
I think I did post about this already but just wanted to ask a different question.
I've got those bright red, slightly raised little spots, mainly on my tummy and some on my chest. Some of them have been there years, and I had a full blood count thing done a few years ago and they would have been there then (some of them anyway). So I've pretty much rationalised that they're those cherry/ruby spots I've seen others post about and not overly worried. But then I get these little purple ones that disappear within a few days and those are the ones freaking me out. I'm definitely not gonna Google, but does anyone else get those? I don't know if it's maybe cos I've itched there and maybe pinched myself, but I've had a couple I've noticed that go away. Like a tiny little purpley dot. I've only noticed them in the past few weeks and only had two, (and yes I'm skin scanning every day). So yes, they disappear unlike the red ones.
Anyone have those sometimes?
Thanks x

08-01-17, 13:10
I got my knickers in a right old twist about these spots a few months ago. Convinced I'd got something nasty, I took myself and said spots to the GP who quickly dismissed them as nowt. Come to think of it, I remember seeing them on my mum. I really don't think it's anything for you to worry about.

08-01-17, 13:30
Thanks NoraB. Did you get little purpley ones too that fade away?

08-01-17, 13:36
Funnily enough I have these are urs like little red pinpricks?x

08-01-17, 13:41
Thanks NoraB. Did you get little purpley ones too that fade away?

I've had all sorts but gave up scanning my skin as soon as the GP said it was nothing. He even did that hand wafting thing, he was THAT unbothered lol.

I sometimes have little burst blood vessels on my arms and legs that are purple then fade.

I really don't think you've got anything to worry about but if you want some reassurance, go see your GP and ask for a full blood count to be done again. Perhaps that will set your mind at rest?

08-01-17, 13:59
Yes emnemz, some of them are teeny and some a little bigger but they're a bright red. I'm not too bothered as I've had them such a long time.
It's the little purple ones that pop up every now and then that worry me. But i guess anything that fades probably isn't anything scary? I might go just get it all looked at again. I need to stop skin scanning :/ I probably get stuff like that all the time but never noticed. Because you genuinely wouldn't see them unless you looked hard enough. Maybe it's if I've been itching there? Might have just irritated the vessels? I dunno it's weird!

08-01-17, 14:28
I have lots of those cherry angiomas, but I also get the purpley ones too that last a few days then go. I mentioned them to my GP when my HA was at its peak and he told me they're nothing to worry about. I tend to get them more near my inner elbows or (tmi) knicker line (I imagine from friction), but I've currently got a couple on my inner, lower arm that aren't from friction but no doubt they'll be gone again in a few days.

08-01-17, 18:01
Thanks guys. I've gone from slightly anxious today to full scale panic.
I have had a cough and cold for about a week now, and feeling generally unwell. Coupled with these spots I'm freaking out. I also have a new itchy spot that just popped up, which has what has sent me into a spiral. I noticed someone wrote something about a swollen spleen as well, and for as long as I can remember my right side of abdomen feels uncomfortable. I'm in full panic. It's an itchy spot. I have had a couple little pimple things on my tummy but never really paid attention to them but now one of them is itchy. I'm so scared. Can anyone help I'm so scared of leukemia now

08-01-17, 19:30
at my last Dermatologist appointment I asked specifically about the little "cherry marks" on my abdomen. I was told they are angiomas and unlike some moles, will NEVER turn bad. I left it at that.

08-01-17, 21:13
Do you have different sizes ones? They're really stressing me, keep checking them all the time :(

08-01-17, 21:28
yeah I have a lot of them and they range in size from pin prick to about the size of a pencil eraser.

08-01-17, 21:38
Ah really, that's reassuring. I have tiny ones and a few bigger ones. I might still make an appointment just to put it out of my head once and for all.
Thank you for replying x

08-01-17, 22:15
I have lots of them and they come and go, my mother and sisters also have them. No need to worry about them at all:)

09-01-17, 00:16
Thank you Stena :) xx

---------- Post added 09-01-17 at 00:16 ---------- Previous post was 08-01-17 at 23:45 ----------

I just noticed today as well, I have a few pimple like spots on my tummy as well that i noticed on Christmas day. They've become a little itchy today. I don't even know if itchy pimple spots are a symptom of leukemia. They're not bright red like the cherry spots and they're raised like a tiny pimple/spot. But I've been itching one and it's gone redder now so I'm freaking out and noticing thr other ones more and they feel itchy too. Is this a bad symptom? Please help, I don't know what a leukemia rash looks like but I'm panicking it might be like this

09-01-17, 08:01
I wouldn't worry about those either. It all sounds completely normal:)