View Full Version : Massive outbreak of hives/rash all over body?

08-01-17, 16:40
This morning I had a huge outbreak of hives everywhere. It's as if I have just eaten something however I ate about an hour before it started and the only other thing I can think of is wearing latex gloves. However, this rash was all over my body in red spots/blotches, causing my face to be bright red and my eyelids to go puffy. I have had this a few times before and it goes away within an hour or two. I've been tested for allergies and nothing has come up so I'm taking antihistamines everyday which clearly aren't working well.
Has anyone experienced this or know what it could be? I'm desperate for a solution as it's preventing me from leaving the house!

08-01-17, 19:41
I think what you're going to have do is a process of elimination. And also try to think of anything that was added in your environment or to yourself that was new recently, from a change in washing powder or hand soap, cleaning chemicals, new kind of clothes, new furniture, maybe a new pet, etc. Think back to anything you got recently or had around at that time since all this begin.

Because it's got to be something around you or on your body. You eliminated the food allergy already, so you know that it's not something new you been eating. And I wouldn't trust those allergy tests too much, they may not account for everything that you could possibly be allergic too.