View Full Version : GAD scared of flight

08-01-17, 19:13
I was recently just told very last minute like just a week and a half in advance that I would be going to Indiana from California for a weekend. It happened so quickly that it doesn't even feel real that it is happening, and I am barely registering it now and it i this Friday. Now I am freaking out with anxiety over what will happen. I'm thinking I have a bad intuitive feeling about this. And I just got my life together I can't die now. And I love my family kind of stuff. Even though I know I will probably be all right. So any help or words of encouragement or techniques would help. :bighug1:

08-01-17, 19:31
Anxiety hates change or a last minute plan. Use abdominal breathing in and out through the nose. As u breath inthe tummy will expand and use the word let. As you exhale let the tummy fall n use the word go. Each time u breath out feel your body loosen that bit more the words let go are the simple mantra I use in my classes. No need for fancy quotes that can. Confuse an already tired mind

I might if I'm really nervous sip over a. CLass of red wine or something with the same soothing affect.

We are with u all the way. Anxiety makes all normal changes seem overwhelming

So tough.


10-01-17, 01:05
Thank You, I will try to keep that in mind. Since writing this there has been another sudden change in that now I am to go alone. And I feel like I can't escape this cause it was thrust upon me and my ticket has already been paid.