View Full Version : So fed up

08-01-17, 20:39
Im sick to death of feeling like this, im scared to eat, scared to sleep because of my anxiety about thinking something bad is going to happen or im going to die, my body is so tensed up it hurts!! I don't go out anymore im scared to be alone! Im at my wits end feel like ending it all i cant cope anymore and i know its selfish but i don't see any way out, i start CBT next week, hoping this helps ! Because the doctor doesn't think feeding me tablets will help yet as im scared to take them, someone else tell me they have the same symptoms also when i do sleep my jaw is so tight as im biting hard down onto my bottom teeth its sore all the next day i don't know how to stop it or change my way of thinking im just so sad with it all now :(

08-01-17, 21:27
Sorry you are feeling this way. I have had this symptom, but also many more which scare me worse. It may be worth you visiting the dentist, I got a mouthguard made up to stop the teeth grinding caused by tension. Just worn at night.
Something you could start immediately is progressive muscle relaxation exercises. There are lots posted on you tube. Your cbt therapist will probably advise you on this too. If not, ask him/ about it. You do need to do them daily, usually twice a day.
I wish you well.

08-01-17, 21:48
Hi XL, Hang in there, not long till your CBT starts! :) I expect that'll calm you enough to take medication then you'll have a two weapons against anxiety. Anti-depressants have had a major calming effect on me - I recommend them.