View Full Version : Deep Vein Thrombosis worry

08-01-17, 22:30
Hey, I'm wondering if anyone has had any similar symptoms.
It started in August when I had an extremely painful cramp in the middle of the night. Since then I've had pain in my calf . It hurts when I wake in the morning and especially going down and up stairs.
Some days it's ok, but if I do a lot of walking it's aches. I've not exercised properly since August.
More recently I've been getting pain in my knee, foot and thigh.all one sided.
I've been to my GP twice. They are referring me to psyio as they arnt sure what it is. One Dr laughed when I mentioned DVT.
I have no redness/warm spots.
I walked 3 miles today,after half a mile it started to feel odd but then it felt better as I carried on. 5 hours later and I'm in pain!

08-01-17, 23:10
Hey, I'm wondering if anyone has had any similar symptoms.
It started in August when I had an extremely painful cramp in the middle of the night. Since then I've had pain in my calf . It hurts when I wake in the morning and especially going down and up stairs.
Some days it's ok, but if I do a lot of walking it's aches. I've not exercised properly since August.
More recently I've been getting pain in my knee, foot and thigh.all one sided.
I've been to my GP twice. They are referring me to psyio as they arnt sure what it is. One Dr laughed when I mentioned DVT.
I have no redness/warm spots.
I walked 3 miles today,after half a mile it started to feel odd but then it felt better as I carried on. 5 hours later and I'm in pain!

I doubt very much that it is DVT and I honestly mean that. When I had HA I also had this symptom.... medications and contraception can also give you this random cramps in your legs too (in my case I think it was a mixture of anxiety and contraception)....

09-01-17, 06:49
More recently I've been getting pain in my knee, foot and thigh.all one sided.
If you have a leg problem sometimes you can alter your walking style which then results in aches elsewhere.

09-01-17, 22:47
I have psyio next Thursday. When I was more active last year I found I can't run for more than 2 minutes without getting awful shinsplint pain. I wonder if it's related .