View Full Version : Feeling awful

12-04-07, 15:03
Well I lasted long didn't I?:blush:

After doing housework lately I am left feeling drained, I only put up a couple of new stairgates, hoovered round and tidied the play room and I feel lightheaded and very tired. Sometimes my ears really screach aswell after doing the housework. Doesn't seem right to me, im 27 not 87!!

I told my GP last month and he said he didn't want to repeat my blood just yet (I have low ferritin/iron but am not anaemic) he looked at my eyes and said I didn't look anaemic so wasn't concerned.

My ferritin is 21.3, well it was at my last blood count in Feb, im due another blood test in a couple of weeks. I am taking my iron, ok im not the worlds best drinker but im eating fine. I drink about a pint of water a day I guess, I know thats not good I just always forget.

I have more floaters in front of my eyes recently which probably is due to tiredness, I get about 5-6 hours sleep a night, im awake about once a night to pop a dummy in or give Jemima a drink so not too bad. My legs ache alot. Could this all be due to slight lack of fluid or my ferritin? Dr always says I should take it easy because my iron is so low but not easy with 3 children and housework to do.

I just took the kids to the park, only across the way and I feel drained. I feel weak, tired, heavy..... another thing is my eyes are so sensitive to light lately, lots of floaters and im having to squint, anxiety???? its horrible.

I am so worried that my bloods in a few weeks will show something serious is wrong because I feel so drained, I feel dreadful. I have no energy, I sleep, I get 5-6 hours and always have, gosh with a newborn ive had 2 hours and not felt this bad.

My dr said last time that he didn't think anything would change in 3 months so not to worry about the next blood tests (he knew what I was thinking:winks: )

I just hate feeling this dizzy and tired its making me anxious again, i feel drained.

Sorry I have come back for support when id already said I wouldn't but ive noone to turn to at the moment:blush:

12-04-07, 16:14
Hi Cherry

I felt just the same way today while i was doing my housework. My legs felt like jelly and as if they wouldn't hold me up. Felt absolutely drained of energy. Now it's got me worried thinking whats wrong with me.
Know how you feel.


12-04-07, 16:36
i have felt like this for the last few weeks , and like you im worried , but my cnp nurse just told me its nothing 2 worry about and carry on ,, thats easy for her 2 say when shes not the one feeling like it lol

love sandyxx

12-04-07, 19:15
Its horrible isn't it, suppose its possible it is just anxiety.

Sorry if ive made you both worry.

12-04-07, 20:06
Are you eating properly all day - breakfast, lunch ?? mid morning snacks?

12-04-07, 21:15
Yes, my diet is so much better, im still half a stone underweight, im stone 8lbs now but im ok, doing well with my eating for months now.

My dr always says its my poor diet but its not poor at all.

12-04-07, 21:16
should say 6 stone 8lbs, lol!

13-04-07, 12:16
Thanks all for last night.

I feel abit better today, not had much sleep again thanks to the kids but I am drinking alot more so feel much brighter.

The thing is it happened again today, I did housework, felt abit tired but ok. Then when tesco arrived I put it all away, not hardwork but afterwards I felt dizzy/tired and ears were ringing really loud. What is causing this? surely its not coz i over did it? how on earth would that be over doing it??

I am seeing my GP next week to get my iron and to arrange the next blood test. Worried what he might say about this. I did used to get this but im sure I was pregnant, and no im not:winks:

13-04-07, 18:07
Hi cherry
Ive felt like that for the last six weeks now i have no energy and i have to force myself to do things.I came home from work today and had to go to bed cause i felt like i was gonna die if i didnt.I then start to think to myself is this really anxiety or is there something more serious wrong.Its like a vicious circle you just keep worrying and worrying and make yourself worse.I never knew anxiety could be this debilitating.
I hope your feeling better anyway, keep smiling
Love Julie xxxxx

16-04-07, 02:58
I feel exactly like you do. I feel weak a lot, legs heavy, unsteady, always squinting, sensitive to light. I understand how you feel. I'm having a hard time with it too. Take care.

16-04-07, 15:11
Thanks for your replies,

I have myself thinking ive anurism or brain tumour. If I go outside im squinting, eyes are so sensitve and ive loads of floaters, its freaking me out.