View Full Version : Scared that my spleen has ruptured

09-01-17, 00:03
It seems highly irrational to fuss over, but for the past day and a half I've been having a dull and slightly bothersome onset pain under the left side of my rib cage which radiates slightly to my upper back, and it gets worse in certain positions.

It makes me slightly concerned that my spleen may be swollen or already ruptured and that blood may be leaking into my abdomen.

I've been having minor aches in other places as well, but I have been to the doctors three times in the past month and every test ever done has come back normal, so and I don't want to go back only to figure out that it's probably nothing.

I just don't know if it's anxiety or something actually serious. It also feels slightly swollen and a bit uncomfortable, but maybe I just pulled something. Everyone else I've spoken about it to says that if I were internally bleeding, I would be in the most excruciating pain I've felt in my life. I just don't really know what to think or do.

Edit: I have little twitching sensations in my abdomen also every once in a while, and my heart rate is going up. I had multiple anxiety attacks throughout the week, so I don't know if that has to do with anything either.

Catherine S
09-01-17, 00:29
If you had blood leaking into your abdomen from a ruptured spleen, you'd have alot more than a 'dull bothersome ache'. So everyone who has told you the pain level involved are correct. You may have excess gas, as that can be a dull and bothersome ache.


09-01-17, 00:31
I don't think you'd be posting about this, waiting for replies, if it were real.

Positive thoughts

Clydesdale Epona
09-01-17, 01:51
You could have gas, a nerve, muscle, if it was a ruptured spleen i'd like to say you'd be running to the ER but that's not the case because you probably wouldn't be able to walk, i understand how hard it can be to shake that thought once its in your head but just try and relax x

09-01-17, 05:15
You have your stomach and your splenic flexure in that area. Both of those areas are busy. The flexure is where your transverse and descending colon meet and it's a 90 degree angle so gas can get caught and cause discomfort. I had pains and a full feeling on my left side and thought it was my spleen. You have an artery about the size of your thumb supplying your spleen with blood so you would know if it was ruptured. Also I had a friend who ruptured his. He got in a car wreck and it was swollen and ruptured it while having sex. He immediately fell to the floor and was in excruciating pain. Calm down and stop letting anxiety get the best of you.