View Full Version : Why can't I beat this....

09-01-17, 01:09
I'm 37 yo male. Spent most my 20's obsessed with HIV and was finally able to overcome with the help of Paxil. Last 10 years minor worries hear and there but able to put away. Never had any major health issues then 4 months ago I had a heart palpitation (most likely completely normal).

My stress and anxiety towards this heart palp and checking my pulse every 20 minutes created a monster. After the heart worry I started to develop issues in my lower left side of abdomen, no pain but just a feeling something is there. Since my father passed from PC I search on google next thing I know I have every single symptom within days. Go to GP and tell him everything he said with my age having PC is furthest from his mind as I look healthy. He chalked my lower left abdominal issue to anxiety. I still feel it there at my most anxious moments but all other physical symptoms such as back pain, funny (adrenaline) taste in mouth, inability to eat have all disappeared. Ha is the devil. Feel completely lost.

Catherine S
09-01-17, 01:39
The title of your thread asks why can't you beat this. You will only beat it when you accept that you don't have a serious illness, then the anxiety will reduce down to a normal level and you will go on with your life.

I'm rather envious of your 'one' palpitation though, I've had these on and off for over 40 years. Ive learned to ignore them and they largely ignore me these days, because I do take beta blockers for this and they help loads.

Take care
ISB :)

09-01-17, 02:24
Thanks for your response and as always easier said than done when dealing with HA. I'll continue to work on trying to ignore the only "symptom" of lower left ache. It seems to disappear when I use breathing techniques or concentrate on other issues.

Catherine S
09-01-17, 02:34
If the pain is more noticeable when you're really anxious then it could well just be a tense locked muscle. As you know tension can affect every muscle in your body, including eyes. A soothing massage should be available free for everybody with HA !

ISB :)

09-01-17, 02:46
Agreed. There for a while I was analyzing everything down to taking pictures of every bowel movement. Dr. Seemed to be annoyed when I asked twice about my eyes being jaundice and was informed they were the "whitest eyes he had seen in a week". It still doesn't change the belief one has in their evil ha. We will overcome.

Clydesdale Epona
09-01-17, 03:17
It can really difficult and I laugh at how we often seek reassurance but even after receiving it its not good enough :roflmao: I remember going to my doctors about my side pain (I'd had it for about 4 months then but its a year now) my doctor ended up saying if I had something like appendicitis then he'd be a model instead of a doctor, a few weeks later I still ended up coming back convinced I was going to have appendicitis lol it can be really tough but with determination and hard work it will get better x

09-01-17, 12:46
I just don't know the answer, but I know it is tough and I hear you and don't think it's silly or any of the things some people say to minimise it.

09-01-17, 15:42
Your not alone. I'm sorry you are going through this. I'm not sure why i can't beat this health anxiety either. I'm obsessed with heart palpitations and think about them 24/7 It's debilitating. I'm 37 as well.

09-01-17, 22:37
I'm a little bit older than you and I also spent a lot of my 20s worrying about HIV. I also started an SSRI year before last that I think saved me. I was in the worst place ever. It's been a roller coaster - ups and downs. Like you I'm in a down right now. So know that you are not alone. Sometimes I don't think I can beat this either. But we are still here.

I'm 37 yo male. Spent most my 20's obsessed with HIV and was finally able to overcome with the help of Paxil. Last 10 years minor worries hear and there but able to put away. Never had any major health issues then 4 months ago I had a heart palpitation (most likely completely normal).

My stress and anxiety towards this heart palp and checking my pulse every 20 minutes created a monster. After the heart worry I started to develop issues in my lower left side of abdomen, no pain but just a feeling something is there. Since my father passed from PC I search on google next thing I know I have every single symptom within days. Go to GP and tell him everything he said with my age having PC is furthest from his mind as I look healthy. He chalked my lower left abdominal issue to anxiety. I still feel it there at my most anxious moments but all other physical symptoms such as back pain, funny (adrenaline) taste in mouth, inability to eat have all disappeared. Ha is the devil. Feel completely lost.