View Full Version : Armpit nodes?

09-01-17, 03:58
In July 2015 I decided to feel my armpits and I found out that I have a few palpable lymph nodes in my armpits. Two of them feel basically the same on each side, but there's a third one that feels a little larger. So, I panicked. Lost sleep for weeks - months. I have been to 4 doctors who have all told me that they're normal. Nothing to worry about. I asked one of my doctors if it were concerning would it have grown in a year, and she said "oh yeah."

Problem is, I don't trust anyone. I was doing ok and then today I saw something on Facebook about a 30 year old woman who was diagnosed with lymphoma after finding a node in her armpit. I have no other information about her than that. So now I'm back to panicking. I thought about calling my doctor tomorrow and asking her to send me for an ultrasound.

Should I even be worrying? It's been over 1.5 years and it hasn't changed a bit. No smaller, no bigger. And I'm worried that going to get an ultrasound will cost a lot of money and is another extreme example of reassurance seeking.

Do any of you have palpable nodes in your armpits? Is that normal? My doctors say it is. But again, no trust.

---------- Post added at 20:58 ---------- Previous post was at 20:53 ----------

Also, I have had blood work done since then and everything was within normal range.

I wasn't sick when I found it. So I don't think it's from that. I was using a deodorant that I was allergic to, but I would think the node would have gone away by now. I do get razor burn quite often. But I don't think that's why either.

My baby and my toddler also have palpable nodes in their armpits.

09-01-17, 12:40

09-01-17, 12:47
I have been to 4 doctors who have all told me that they're normal. Nothing to worry about. I asked one of my doctors if it were concerning would it have grown in a year, and she said "oh yeah."

Problem is, I don't trust anyone....

I'm a survivor, I know nodes. Your doctors are 100% correct. However, if you don't trust anyone, why would you trust what a forum full of strangers say? ;)

Positive thoughts

09-01-17, 12:58
Good point. I guess because I typically feel better when others share their experiences with me. Like, hearing "oh, I've had that and it's fine" makes me feel more comfortable than a doctor just feeling for a quick minute and saying "oh that's nothing".

I have done so much reading on the stupid internet that I think I've convinced myself that doctors are wrong. So hearing from real people that they have things that I have makes me feel relieved.

09-01-17, 13:05
That makes sense. It's reassurance seeking and more common than ants at a picnic here. The problem is, it's only a band-aid over a gash and it doesn't stop the bleeding/worry (for long). The key is to get to the point that you can accept medical professionals diagnosis. I get it, doctors can be wrong sometimes but 4 of them?... Don't think so ;) CBT/therapy/meds can be beneficial in teaching you ways to deal with the irrational thoughts.

And node threads? OMG! It's one of the most popular thread subjects and there have been a ton of them recently. If you look at the bottom of your thread page, you'll find a few and do a search and you'll have reading material for a few weeks! ~lol~

Positive thoughts

09-01-17, 13:13
And my husband gets so annoyed with me. Yesterday I asked him if I can feel his armpits and he said "sure" but I know he finds it annoying and so I didn't press it any further. So I come here hoping for some help from you guys because only people with health anxiety understand me. My friend's say "I wouldn't even know how to feel for my lymph nodes. Why do you know how to do that?"

This is making me crazy. Absolutely crazy.

---------- Post added at 06:09 ---------- Previous post was at 06:06 ----------

So you know nodes and you agree?

Normal to feel them in the armpit?

If it were the C word it would have grown in a year? I don't know anything about it, so I have no idea how quickly it would grow or, well, anything really.

I guess I just need someone to talk me off a ledge.

---------- Post added at 06:13 ---------- Previous post was at 06:09 ----------

It feels maybe the size of a coffee bean.

09-01-17, 13:14
See?... you're seeking more reassurance ;) Read my post. I'm a "survivor". I know nodes... intimately. In fact I got to see two cancerous nodes that were over 5cm after they were removed from my neck (I have pics too!)

Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. It doesn't come and go nor does it stop once it starts.

We have over 600 nodes in our bodies. At any given time, you can poke and prod and probably feel a few. It doesn't mean they're swollen, it just means they're there where they're supposed to be.

Good luck and as always....

Positive thoughts

09-01-17, 13:21
I keep hoping that eventually something will click and I won't care for more reassurance. I keep hoping I'll see a doctor who convinces me, or a stranger on here will convince me. And I can move on with it. That's why I always ask and I want to have an ultrasound. I keep hoping that the next time is the time I'm going to let it go.

09-01-17, 13:26
I can relate to EVERYTHING you said. I have issues trusting doctors too but I am working on it. I'm actually pretty proud of myself. Recently, I discovered my right tonsil was way bigger than my left. I took it to my ENT and he told me that he felt it was nothing but probably chronically infected but lets remove it to be sure. I had that done right after Christmas, report came back as chronically infected. He was right. During the wait, while I was anxious, I didn't question him too much and I took major comfort in his words. That is HUGE for me! BUT in the past I have have the very same issue. I see my doctor, get reassured and within hours to a few days I'm back to questioning and worrying. So I can totally relate! I also found a pea feeling lump down below. Its not quite in my groin so I'm unsure if its actually a node or not but that was my first thought when I felt it. I've been obsessing over it for a few days now but I'm trying really hard to put it to rest until I see my doctor, which isn't for a month or so.

09-01-17, 13:33
I think it's interesting that my kids have palpable nodes in their pits and I don't even question it. But if it's me it sends me into a panic. I love my kids more than I could ever love myself. But I don't worry over them as much.

09-01-17, 13:35
I think it's interesting that my kids have palpable nodes in their pits and I don't even question it. But if it's me it sends me into a panic. I love my kids more than I could ever love myself. But I don't worry over them as much.

I'm the same with my kids. Although I've been known to worry over them too but I can be way more rational.

09-01-17, 15:48
just wanted to tell you i have EXACT same thing. bunch of palpalble lymph nodes in my arm. first few times i felt them, i freaked out! was panicking like crazy. kept feeling them all day and of course irritating them & they started feeling bigger. i asked my dr. he said everything feels normal. (i'm skinny, so he said that might be a reason i can feel them so well. ) anyway, i stopped poking and prodding and it got smaller. by now, im just used to the feeling of lymphs in the underarm area!
dont go for ultrasound!

09-01-17, 16:01
just wanted to tell you i have EXACT same thing. bunch of palpalble lymph nodes in my arm. first few times i felt them, i freaked out! was panicking like crazy. kept feeling them all day and of course irritating them & they started feeling bigger. i asked my dr. he said everything feels normal. (i'm skinny, so he said that might be a reason i can feel them so well. ) anyway, i stopped poking and prodding and it got smaller. by now, im just used to the feeling of lymphs in the underarm area!
dont go for ultrasound!

I'm skinny too. Do you still feel them easily? Mine has never gotten bigger but I don't know how much smaller it is either. Like I said, it feels like a little coffee bean. Do you think it's ok?

09-01-17, 16:50
absolutely fine!
take from someone that has severe anxiety..
mine feel bigger than coffee beans. i have many sizes. but i guess this is the norm..
1 disadvantage of being skinny i guess. most ppl have them, but its alot harder for them to feel it due to the body fat...