View Full Version : ecg

09-01-17, 09:05
I had a 24 hour ecg monitor but didnt have any big palpitations like i normally do, they said everything was fine so should i really not be concerned about my heart now ? or does this test only pick up certain things

my chest has been tight all wknd but i think i may have a viral or chest infection

09-01-17, 11:33
Did you discuss anxiety with them? As this is a definite cause of chest complaints.
I've read that a large percentage of chest complaints presented at Hospital emergency rooms are down to anxiety and nothing else.

If your ECG results were normal you really shouldn't worry about your heart.
If you had an infection you would feel very ill probably with a temperature.

Have a read about how anxiety causes these symptoms. It might help you to feel less anxious and in turn reduce the sensations in your chest.

Clydesdale Epona
09-01-17, 11:54
I agree with Becky,
when I was 9 years old I had trouble breathing because my heart would beat so fast, it would make me dizzy and feel tight/achey, two ecgs later they came back normal I had a 24hr one and about two blood tests which also came fine, my doctor said he couldn't find anything wrong and left it at that, about two years later I discovered it was all thanks to anxiety and panic attacks, powerful symptoms but nothing to worry about, if the 24hr monitor didn't pick anything up then I'd say you're good :) x

09-01-17, 12:04

I dont have a temperature but last night i did for an hour, it feels like a cold but i am being a baby about it, but my chest feels tight and also my back feels like its tapped up when i bend over, a very tight strange sensation i have never had before

its been really bad, i had panic and anxiety 8 years ago, i then managed to defeat it for 6 years up until now, and what sparked it all off was that i had to get a mole checked and cut out, it made me worry and all my symptoms came flooding back , that was over a year ago but the panic attacks only started 2 months ago.

09-01-17, 12:23
I can see you're really spiraling right now based on the the threads but this one you can put away Ok? :)

Are you getting help for you anxiety IOut20?

Positive thoughts

09-01-17, 12:26
no i aqm not, i dont want to take meds but im getting to the point i think i will have to take them because i cant live like this, its gone up 2 levels from what i am used to.

ontop of all this when i go to sleep somtimes its as though i stop breathing then i awake with a gasp, this continues to happen a good few times before i fall asleep

09-01-17, 12:32
Go to your GP and ask for help for you anxiety. Therapy and/or meds can and do help so many people.

This site is great in that you know you're not alone in your struggles and there's some great tips and advice, but it's not a replacement for real life help.

Hope you heed this advice... feel better soon!

Positive thoughts

09-01-17, 12:41
I agree. You definitely need some help with the anxiety. That's what's causng all your symptoms.
If you google anxiety and chest complants you'll see how common these smptoms are with anxiety.
Here's just one of many you can read.http://www.calmclinic.com/anxiety/symptoms/chest-tightness
Waking up gasping is another anxiety symptom. It shows that you're not completely relaxed even while you're asleep.
You can either ask the Dr for somehing to relax you or you can look for some other relaxation methods like yoga and relaxation tapes. Have you tried CBT?

09-01-17, 12:56
thanks for replying guys

they gave me a card with a number on it to do cbt over the phone, do you think i should do this or just get meds ? i just feel i will be on meds for life and put on weight and have nio sex drive etc, which i would really hate

im really confussed and scared

---------- Post added at 12:56 ---------- Previous post was at 12:43 ----------

I agree. You definitely need some help with the anxiety. That's what's causng all your symptoms.
If you google anxiety and chest complants you'll see how common these smptoms are with anxiety.
Here's just one of many you can read.http://www.calmclinic.com/anxiety/symptoms/chest-tightness
Waking up gasping is another anxiety symptom. It shows that you're not completely relaxed even while you're asleep.
You can either ask the Dr for somehing to relax you or you can look for some other relaxation methods like yoga and relaxation tapes. Have you tried CBT?

Hi Becky, have you had that before with the sleeping issue ? its as though i just stop breathing but i can feel that i have, it happens when im not asleep but have my eyes closed trying to sleep, it doesnt happen when im awake.

09-01-17, 12:58
thanks for replying guys

they gave me a card with a number on it to do cbt over the phone, do you think i should do this or just get meds ? i just feel i will be on meds for life and put on weight and have nio sex drive etc, which i would really hate

im really confussed and scared

Personally, therapy first to teach you some coping skills and ways to challenge you irrational thoughts and meds if needed as a crutch until you get your feet back under you. That being said, there are many that benefit greatly from meds alone. I did therapy and meds and it helped me immensely.

It's work but if you put in the effort, the payoff is freedom.

Positive thoughts

09-01-17, 13:32
I agree with Fishmanpa. Both would be very beneficial.
I started out with just meds and although they helped initially, I needed to address the root cause and get to know more about my condition in order to understand it better and gain control. I would never rely only on meds. But they help to get you feeling semi normal so you can Concentrate on the therapy.

As for the sleeping issue, I experienced this when my anxiety was bad. I don't think my mind was ever at rest even though I was asleep. Mostly it happened when I was on the brink of falling asleep and I'd wake up with jerk, sometimes with a rushing noise in my ears and sometimes gasping for air.

Maybe chat to your Dr and tell hm what your experiencing, be sure to let hm know about your anxiety. Ask for something mild that will relax you at night.
Get into a good soothing bedtime routine, no disturbing movies, no computer or phone, warm bath, chamomile tea, good relaxing book and try some relaxation exercises when you're in bed.

I don't know about CBT on the phone but I did my course online which was great as I had plenty of time and didn't need to go out. It taught me a lot.

09-01-17, 14:03

Yes thats what happens to me, i also vibrate and shake inside a lot.

I have been to the doc many times, they gave me a card to call a group online and said they would put me on meds, i never wanted to go on meds because i just feel that doesnt solve the root problem and cause and it just masks over it.

if i go on meds can i expect these symptoms and [panic attacks to stop ?

09-01-17, 14:19
It's your choice whether you go on meds or not. Sometimes it's a good idea to take something to relax you for a bit especially when your anxiety is so sky high you can't think straight. It just helps you to feel normal again so you can think straight.
Personally, I realised that although the meds helped with panic attacks and anxiety, which was a welcome relief, I still needed to do something more or become reliant on the meds.
It sounds to me that your anxiety is quite bad so probably some meds would be a good idea initially and then you can look at therapy to help you overcome this condition.

Go ahead and make the first step. Call the online group. Get some medication. It's really not necessary for you to suffer like this. You can get help.

09-01-17, 14:57
ok i think i will,

the thing is i see so many people on here who have gotten better but styill have anxiety, i managed to cure mine 100% for 5 years, this is what i am holding onto because i still feel i can do it naturally, ok so it did come back after 5 years worse than ever but i was never on this site in those 5 years, the worst thing you can do is remind yourself of anxiety once you have beat it

i just assume everyone who posts on here still suffers from anxiety

although i am suffering now i can tell you that it can be beaten naturally

i would say the biggest cure for me was intense excersise daily.

09-01-17, 15:09
I'm glad that you're going to do something about your anxiety.
I think that maybe the reason it came back so intensely was because you were so sure you'd beaten it the first time around, so it must have taken you unawares and been a big shock, sort of sneaked up on you.

It's true that I do still have anxiety which is why I'm on this forum. But it's not constant and is mainly circumstantial and due to my HA which I haven't been able to beat yet. I also come on here to give reassurance to others. I like to try and help because I know what everyone's going through, having been there myself. Which is something a lot of Doctors and therapists lack - personal experience.

I agree with your idea of intense exercise. It helps me when I'm anxious and when I used to suffer from panic attacks it worked well. In fact, I'd say it works better than the meds but without the side effects, except for getting fitter :)
But it doesn't actually get down to the root cause so I'm glad I did all the research to gain more understanding into my condition.

One very positive point is that you've beaten this before so you know you can beat it again!

09-01-17, 15:24

Yes i never thought of the root cause, it happened to me after i smoked a joint one day, i had a complete freak out and that was it i had panic attacks but if i go way back to when i was 14 or 15 it started, i think i got it off my mum as when i was little she was the same.

maybe i should go talk to someone like a therapist ?

honestly meds are a last resoirt for me but then other people say you are stupid for not taking them sooner, i just hear horror stories of people trying to come off them

09-01-17, 16:05
Gosh your experiences are so similar to mine. My first panic attack was after smoking a joint too! Plus I've inherited anxiety from my Mum.

If you could see someone for some therapy that would help I'm sure.

I'm the same with meds. An absolute last resort. I do lots of natural stuff though like rescue and chamomile tea, walking helps too and CBT has been a huge step in the right direction for me.

09-01-17, 18:56
That's crazy lol I would never touch weed again !

So I went to docs and she said my lungs are fine and oxygen levels are fine

I then said I need some meds it's so bad so she has put me on citalopram

I hope it doesn't make me gain weight cause I need to lose weight

09-01-17, 19:28
I then said I need some meds it's so bad so she has put me on citalopram

Good going! I know of several members that have done incredibly well on it. Don't be discouraged if you get a side effect or two. They'll wane once your body gets acclimated.

Again... Good going for taking a positive step toward healing!

Positive thoughts

09-01-17, 19:55
no i aqm not, i dont want to take meds but im getting to the point i think i will have to take them because i cant live like this, its gone up 2 levels from what i am used to.

ontop of all this when i go to sleep somtimes its as though i stop breathing then i awake with a gasp, this continues to happen a good few times before i fall asleep

Just wanted to chime in and relate too, Insideout20.

I've had the waking up and gasping for air thing many times too, after I'm just about to fall asleep. And what I've concluded from that, of why I do that, is because of the fear of not ever waking up again. But that's just me, for others it maybe other psychological reasons and yet I know deep down that's what is going on with me when I do that. :doh:

On the subject of MJ...yep! Same thing happened to me. Lol. I was experimenting with the stuff for the first time in my late 30's and on that third joint and last joint...bam it hit me bad! Man, I thought I was going to frigin' die! I definitely panicked from it. At first I was hallucinating and then my stomach or whole abdomen went numb. WTH! Not good! Man that was terrible.

On man, I swear the THC in that last joint must of been off the charts, freaked me the hell out and I never touched the stuff again after that last one. So much for experimenting with MJ at a later age, screw that! :roflmao: But I swear, that's were it all started for me as well.

And it's remarkable you and Becky mentioned about your mothers having anxiety, because my mother would have panic attacks around me too during my youth.

Is this all a coincidence or what?

09-01-17, 21:05
I think we can get it from our parents easily

The sleeping thing is horrible

I was reading about citalopram then came across an article saying doses of 60mg have caused sudden death now I know I'm not on 60 but now it's putting me off taking them

09-01-17, 21:12
I was reading about citalopram then came across an article saying doses of 60mg have caused sudden death now I know I'm not on 60 but now it's putting me off taking them

Stop! Don't look for ways to stop you from recovering!

Positive thoughts

09-01-17, 22:06
I think we can get it from our parents easily

The sleeping thing is horrible

I was reading about citalopram then came across an article saying doses of 60mg have caused sudden death now I know I'm not on 60 but now it's putting me off taking them

It caused problems in a few people, cant remember if these people had underlying conditions.

They don't prescribe that dose any more so you are not in any danger of this.

09-01-17, 22:35
I think we can get it from our parents easily

The sleeping thing is horrible

I was reading about citalopram then came across an article saying doses of 60mg have caused sudden death now I know I'm not on 60 but now it's putting me off taking them

Fishmanpa and Elen are right. You're only prohibiting your recovery. Yet I have a feeling you're like me and you are very leery of most drugs because of their side effects? I don't blame ya.

About the only thing I take these days for the oncoming panic attacks is Ativan (lorazepam) and very rarely at that, sometimes I just try and ride the attacks out, but even when I do take them for a oncoming panic attack, I take half of one most of the time; just enough to get me calmed down and take it from there.

So maybe you might want to look into getting some Ativan and see if you can beat your panic disorder that way.

09-01-17, 23:59
Ativan is good stuff. So is Xanax, but benzos can be and are addictive so you have to be real careful. Celexa/Citalopram is a pretty common SSRI and I know of many here that have benefited greatly from it. Side effects vary person to person but it's certainly doable.

Positive thoughts

10-01-17, 00:48
Ativan is good stuff. So is Xanax, but benzos can be and are addictive so you have to be real careful. Celexa/Citalopram is a pretty common SSRI and I know of many here that have benefited greatly from it. Side effects vary person to person but it's certainly doable.

Positive thoughts

Yeah I heard that too about Ativan and Xanax, Fishmanpa. It's odd though, in all the 6 years since I've had either one of those two brands, I've never found myself wanting to abuse them all day and everyday. Yet I've always carried them around with me just in case, but I've gone weeks or even months without taking any. Just at certain times when I couldn't get calmed down enough on my own, like a panic attack that would go on for several minutes to an hour and just wouldn't quit.

And I tried the Xanax first, but it was too strong for me; even half a pill. I guess it has something to do with a person's drug tolerance or something? Lol. Seems I can't handle much of anything for some reason, even one 325mg aspirin will cause me to feel lethargic and sleepy. :D

But apparently it seems everybody is different, which is probably another reason why they have so many different versions of these type of drugs to see which one works for someone and which one doesn't.