View Full Version : Panic and sickness

12-04-07, 16:25
Hi there,i used to be on the site last year but things improved so i've not been on.However i've just had a horrid couple of days and have felt very frightened.I have started to come down off of Seroxat,i tried to last year but it was horrendous so i had to go back up to 30mg.This year i've tried coming down 1mg at a time with the help of the doctor.I am now down to 26mg but its taken months already.I've tried going down to 25mg but am feeling rather panicky again but then the night before last i had a horrendous panic attack.Had sickness and diarrohea and this usually gives me a panic attack.The feelings are horrendous and best way i can fight it is to tell it to **** off!!! I can't understand totally why my body does this when i feel sick becuase it just makes it almost impossible to cope with and very embarrassing cos i feel i want to scream my head off or stick a knife in myself to make the panic go away.I never do tho and i know i never would.
Last night went out for a meal for my sons birthday with my mum and niece and daughter and the panic started again but not the sickness.I was very tired tho,had worked all day despite feeling very groggy from the night before.
Also i am in the process of moving house and am now wondering if trying to come off the tablets right now is not the brightest of ideas.I am a single parent,run my own business and now i am moving house.Guess i am trying to be superwoman again.
Does anyone have any ideas on coping with sickness and panic attacks?Or is it something i just have to put up with now?
Ali xxx

12-04-07, 16:36
Hello Ali !
I think you just answered your own question ! Moving house is a major life-stressor without everything else you've got going on. It's not wonder you feel like this - take some time to do relaxation / breathing exercises - you need to be kind to yourself during this stressful time.

12-04-07, 16:41
Hi Ali,

I'm sorry you are having such a difficult time at the moment.
I don't really have any advice for you as I'm suffering from terrible anxiety at the moment myself, but I want you to know you are not alone.
They say moving house is one of the most stressful life events (right up there with divorce and the death of a loved one), so I suppose it's likely to be the trigger. I also get panic attacks when I am tired so I try to avoid anything stressful at those times.
I personally would NOT try reducing my ant-depressants during a time of high stress so maybe you could talk to your Doctor about what dose you should stay on for now. You have done well to get to the dose you are on now. You are bound to get a few anxiety symptoms while reducing your medication, and with the stress of moving as well it's no surprise you are anxious!
I have also had problems with sickness during periods of high stress and I was given anti-sickness tablets by my Doctor which I keep in the cupboard just in case.

I hope you feel better soon.

Love and hugs from shoegal xxx

12-04-07, 17:29
Hi ya Ali,

Lovely to hear from you again hun - although sorry you are feeling abit crap.:shades:

In a funny way I agree with you that maybe it might be best to come off the tabs after you move, as like you say moving is a big enough thing all on its own.

Love Piglet :flowers:

12-04-07, 18:20
Hiiiiiiiiiiiii stranger!

I can only agree with the others hun. Go and see the quack and explain the circumstances.

Lovely to hear from you, even if it is tell us you're feeling crap:emot-puke:


12-04-07, 21:27
Thanx for your replies everyone and hello to my dear friends piglet and Raayyyyyy(lol Ray).Hope you are both doing ok.Sorry i haven't been in touch for a while the shop has been very busy and is doing very well now :) Just find i have hardly any time to breathe and yes i must make time to relax,at the moment i am going round like a whilrwind.I do love being busy tho,boredom isn't good for me.I suppose i take on too much and when i feel ill everything just seems too much.I feel better now my mum has gone,i hate to say it but i just find her so draining of all my energy even when i was being sick she was going on about how my hair needed dyeing again,can u believe that??? I've also split from a fairly long term bf(long term for me anyway)it wasmy descison but it was still hard so there really has been alot going on.Funny isn't it when you write it all down and look at it in black and white you realise just how much you have been coping with and is it any wonder you're finding it a struggle to cope especially being prone to panic attacks.
Ali xxxx

12-04-07, 21:48
Hey Ali

Welcome back - sorry it is under these circumstances.

Coming over meds is never easy and you will suffer side-effects like you probably did when you went on them.

Sorry you feel so rubbish.

12-04-07, 22:34
Thanx Nicola for your reply.Hope you are good.
Ali xxx

12-04-07, 22:48
Well I'm so glad you remembered to come back to this little oasis mate - it's always lovely to hear from you and you know there are lots of people here to give you support.

BTW - my roots need doing too!! :D

Piglet :flowers:

13-04-07, 11:20
Lol piglet your so funny lol,hows things with you these days?
Ali xxx

21-04-07, 13:45
Hey there space cadet how the devil r u doing hun?
Ali xxx

21-04-07, 14:11
Lol piglet your so funny lol,hows things with you these days?
Ali xxx

Still pottering about - my agoraphobia is a little better than it was last year. I can get out and about here and there with one of the kids.

Still all very much a work in progress mate!!! :shades:

Piglet :flowers:

21-04-07, 15:20
hi ali
from personal experience i would not drop any meds unless you have clear space of time from any kind of stress.Hang in there while you move and when your stable(ha ha who is!), then drop to a lower dose.
Dropping meds is always a cow and you are far from alone with that one.