View Full Version : My 4 year old complained of headache

09-01-17, 14:28
So I'm trying to keep my rational head on. Most of you know that my HA over my daughter is one of my biggest struggles. She's had a high temp once a month pretty much since she started nursery last year!
I had a call this morning to say she had a high temp and she had cried a bit earlier saying her head was sore. She had been eating her lunch and just sorta burst into tear complaining of her headache. They said it was over quick enough and she continued to eat her lunch. I picked her up anyway and she's seems absolutely fine. I asked her what her head felt like and she said it was 'swollen' (she's just learned this word) and that it was quick?

Basically I am trying (with all my might!) not to jump to the ABSOLUTE WORST THING and just need someone to tell me I am overreacting.... again! 😣

09-01-17, 14:34
Do you think you are over-reacting then?

09-01-17, 14:36
I'm on the fence to be honest! Why would a 4 year old have a sore head??

09-01-17, 14:42
I'm on the fence to be honest! Why would a 4 year old have a sore head??

A child with a fever gets the same headache we would get with a fever. That's what she's saying (she's 4 after all!). She's got some kind of bug. Take her to the doctor and then the usual.... bed rest, liquids and meds if needed.

Hope she feels better soon!

Positive thoughts

09-01-17, 15:03
My oldest son, who's 9, gets headaches. He's gotten then since he was little. Kids get headaches the same way we do as adults. I woudn't worry too much over it as long as the temp isn't TOO high (104+) or lots of vomiting. That type of thing. Just let her rest and maybe take a nap. She'll be feeling better soon.

09-01-17, 16:02
Her temp is only 38 so low grade. She is acting absolutely fine. Thanks for the replies. Just think the worst xx

09-01-17, 21:10
Kids get tons of illnesses as they are building up their immune system, and I know it's stressful.

You mentioned your child has a fever once per month. If this is really true, you might want to ask your pediatrician about PFAPA. It's an autoinflammatory (not autoimmune) fever disorder, usually harmless but worth investigating. I suggest keeping a chart of the fevers - date they start, date they end, and any other symptoms such as canker sore in the mouth, swollen neck glands, sore throat, headache, rashes, etc. That info will all be helpful for your doctor to see if it could be a fever disorder or if it's just common immune-building stuff.

09-01-17, 22:16
Her fevers can come and go in as quick as a couple of hours! Her last fever (with no other symptoms) was December 19th. The one before that was mid November. She has no cough, cold, anything else. Just usually a fever! Thanks for the info, I will make an appointment to see the doctor about it x