View Full Version : Pinpoint red marks on my stomach...

09-01-17, 16:37
Hey guys,

So I keep getting what I think is petechiae on my stomach. They are small little pin point red dots that don't blanch when I press down on them. They appear on my stomach (or just above) and last for a few days, then they fade away again. I went to see my doctor but when I went there there weren't many left.

I had a blood test and I had a slightly high white blood cell count and a vitamin D deficiency. I've since been taking Vitamin D tablets. This happened about a month ago, but the red dots are back!

I'm not sure why this keeps happening. Everything else with my blood was normal, but I've heard that petechiae is caused from different types of cancers? I'm really worried, because it keeps coming back!

09-01-17, 17:07
I'm worried about the exact same thing. Have you Googled cherry spots? I think that's what I have, I've had them ages and mine don't fade. I do get some little purpley/pink ones that pop up and fade away too.

09-01-17, 17:46
I'm worried about the exact same thing. Have you Googled cherry spots? I think that's what I have, I've had them ages and mine don't fade. I do get some little purpley/pink ones that pop up and fade away too.

I think I have one of those, it doesn't fade, buts it's different then the ones I'm explaining I think. The ones that I have that do fade are a more lighter red and aren't really a bump like the cherry spot is.

09-01-17, 17:53
I get the fadey ones too. After extensive reading on here it seems a lot of us get these type of things, they're just one if those weird body things that don't really have an answer.
I'm with you on the worry though cos it's my current panic too!

09-01-17, 22:28
I had them years ago on the bottom of my legs and of course I went online and read about petechiae. My blood results were normal and they faded away. Nothing to worry about.

10-01-17, 08:00
I'm confused as to why mine keep coming back though... is it possible that it's cancer? I know they are associated.

10-01-17, 11:19
Are yours like a cluster of little red/purple spots? Or more like cherry spots? Mine are permanent it seems but they are the sort of red scattered freckles. I get a random purpley dot every now and then but that goes away

10-01-17, 13:09
Are yours like a cluster of little red/purple spots? Or more like cherry spots? Mine are permanent it seems but they are the sort of red scattered freckles. I get a random purpley dot every now and then but that goes away

Mine come in clusters of little red/purple spots. They don't blanch like I mentioned before. They come up maybe every 1 or 2 months, stay for 3 days or so and then go away.

bin tenn
10-01-17, 13:37
I have several on my abdomen and chest (five or six, maybe). Been there for a long time. Cherry angiomas, I think. Mine don't blanch, but they also never go away. Apparently they're pretty common.

10-01-17, 13:54
Oh. I have way more cherry spots than that. I have like 4 bigger ones on my tummy then the rest are scattered and smaller like pin pricks, have maybe 6 of those and a handful of smaller ones on my chest too. Is it bad if you have a few? The bigger ones have been there years but not sure about smaller ones, I never really paid attention til recently and now they've got my head done in

Gary A
10-01-17, 14:27
I would suggest that this is some form of fungal or yeast infection. The skin has many different types of yeasts and sometimes, for various reasons, particular yeasts multiply and become raised, itchy or discoloured.

Patches that fade and recurr really do sound like a recurrent multiplication of yeasts or fungus. As I said, these things can multiply for varying reasons, like heat and light exposure, sweating or exposure to irritants. It's common for them to fade and recurr.

I would try using a shampoo or body wash that contains ketoconozol, as this will destroy excess yeasts and fungus. Anti dandruff shampoos usually contain it. Try it for a week or so and see if it helps.

10-01-17, 18:13
I would suggest that this is some form of fungal or yeast infection. The skin has many different types of yeasts and sometimes, for various reasons, particular yeasts multiply and become raised, itchy or discoloured.

Patches that fade and recurr really do sound like a recurrent multiplication of yeasts or fungus. As I said, these things can multiply for varying reasons, like heat and light exposure, sweating or exposure to irritants. It's common for them to fade and recurr.

I would try using a shampoo or body wash that contains ketoconozol, as this will destroy excess yeasts and fungus. Anti dandruff shampoos usually contain it. Try it for a week or so and see if it helps.

Don't skin rashes usually blanch though? It doesn't seem to be a normal type of rash, I think that's what is freaking me out the most. I don't think they are cherry angioma's either because they keep going away and coming back...

Is it possible to have a CBC like mine and still have some type of blood cancer? That's what keeps coming up when I search up petechiae.

Gary A
10-01-17, 18:25
Don't skin rashes usually blanch though? It doesn't seem to be a normal type of rash, I think that's what is freaking me out the most. I don't think they are cherry angioma's either because they keep going away and coming back...

Is it possible to have a CBC like mine and still have some type of blood cancer? That's what keeps coming up when I search up petechiae.

First of all, fungal and yeast infections on the skin don't always blanch because the discolouration is caused by a large gathering of yeast or fungus in a particular area.

Second, no, I would strongly doubt that a clear blood count would show in the presence of blood cancer. There would certainly be many markers within the blood.

Why not try as I suggested with the ketoconozol shampoo? It's got to be better than sitting googling yourself into a frenzy over something you don't have.

10-01-17, 18:34
You've had several people affirm they've had similar marks and they were harmless. I notice you consistently counter back with "yeah buts" to validate your fears when in fact there's nothing to validate.

I'm not one to suggest seeing a doctor for reassurance. That being said, if you're that concerned, just go. I don't think you need to but the reassurance here doesn't seem to be helping :(

Positive thoughts

10-01-17, 21:29
It's an enormous leap of logic to go from a rash to cancer. Stop Googling - you can type literally any symptom into Google and end up with something nasty, most of us here have done it and regretted it, and wasted months of our lives worrying over nothing instead of living. We're not qualified to understand what we read or assess probability, and our anxious minds cherry pick the bits that disturb us.

Maybe pop to a pharmacist and see if you need some cream if it persists, but please try and stop worrying.

11-01-17, 00:27
I'm not sure if you were replying to mine or other post, but I'm still really worried about the pimples on my tummy. I think a few more have popped up, they're very small. Some itchy some not, some red some not, like little braille dots. Don't look like petechie or anything like that but I just don't understand what they are. I don't want to Google :(

11-01-17, 14:11
You've had several people affirm they've had similar marks and they were harmless. I notice you consistently counter back with "yeah buts" to validate your fears when in fact there's nothing to validate.

I'm not one to suggest seeing a doctor for reassurance. That being said, if you're that concerned, just go. I don't think you need to but the reassurance here doesn't seem to be helping :(

Positive thoughts

Sorry if I seem like the posts here aren't helping. They usually do. I'd go to the doctor but they fade pretty fast. I think the reason this one is getting to me so much is because there doesn't seem to be a benign explanation of why I'd be getting them (when I search it on google). I think I need to stay away from google, but now that I've seen the causes, it'll be on my mind for a while. :(

Thanks heaps for the help though guys, sorry if I seem unappreciative.

---------- Post added at 01:11 ---------- Previous post was at 01:11 ----------

First of all, fungal and yeast infections on the skin don't always blanch because the discolouration is caused by a large gathering of yeast or fungus in a particular area.

Second, no, I would strongly doubt that a clear blood count would show in the presence of blood cancer. There would certainly be many markers within the blood.

Why not try as I suggested with the ketoconozol shampoo? It's got to be better than sitting googling yourself into a frenzy over something you don't have.

Thanks, I'll give it a shot. :)