View Full Version : Hypothyroidism - Advice Please!

09-01-17, 16:42
Hey :)

So Today I found out that my TSH levels are the highest/most abnormal they've ever been, despite the last blood test I had 6 weeks ago showing them at normal levels after a good 6 months of treatment with Levothyroxine.

I have been taking the tablets exactly as recommended so I can't understand why it has worsened and my symptoms have began to return when it seemed the current dosage was doing the trick :(

Any people more experienced with this disease who can offer some info/reassurance?

09-01-17, 18:37
My ex-wife suffers from hypothyroidism. I recall she was having some issues and had to go off her meds in order to get a true thyroid reading. I think she was on the same med as you...Synthroid. Anyway... that month or so was hell as she felt like poo and when they tested, they found that for all intents and purposes, her thyroid had stopped working.

So they adjusted her meds and it took another month or two of tweaking until they got the levels straight. Once they did, she felt better.

Things can change and that sounds like what's happening. While inconvenient, it's certainly fixable with a dosage adjustment.

Positive thoughts

Catherine S
09-01-17, 20:11
As Fishmanpa said, things can change and the levels can change with the weather too apparently. I was reading about some people having to adjust the dose from summer to winter because a change in temperature can alter the effects of the medication...who knew.

I was diagnosed hypothyroid in 2010 and have taken 50mg levothyroxine ever since. My blood tests are always ok but I still have some of the same symptoms. It's a challenging condition for sure :)


09-01-17, 21:40
It seems so temperamental, alot of places online say any kind of gluten is a big no no if you're having thyroid issues. I think my main anxiety is just any long term health issues it might cause if it keeps going up and down. So many different factors involved.

Thanks again for the advice guys.