View Full Version : Just about to start citalopram

09-01-17, 19:12
I'm just about to start taking this drug, I am male 32 years old and I am overweight, I need to lose 3 stone and worried about the comments on gaining weight

Surrey if I workout every day and eat healthy I can't put on weight just because of this drug ?

Also have any males taken this and not lost their sex drive ?

09-01-17, 19:44
Good luck!

You know, maybe that's why I've put on a little bit of weight. I've been on cit for a couple of years now. I've put on a tiny bit of weight. It's really not much. And anyway, it affects everyone differently. I wouldn't worry about the weight gain possibility. It's negligible as an effect (for me at least) and the improved mental health is so valuable - so much more important than weight gain.

I have had my sex drive suffer a bit (I'm a woman) but again, it's not been so much that the effects outweigh the positive effects citalopram brings to me. But then, everyone is different - it might not work for you.

The first time I read the list of side effects in the packaging of the pills, I cried so much. It's really scary thinking about what you're going to put into your body. But for me, it's been a literal life saver. It's the closest thing we have to a magic happy pill. It makes things easier.

09-01-17, 21:12

That's great to hear I am so.pleased for.you, what side effects did you get ? When you say you put on weight I take it you where not trying to lose weight ?

I read them and it scares me then I came across an article saying 60mg or.more can cause heart failure, I know I won't be taking 60 but now that's putting me off but I know I am being stupid

09-01-17, 22:47
Heart failure is sooo unlikely. Anyway it would take ages to get up to 60mg. The most I was on ever was 40mg and that did me fine.

You're not being stupid. You haven't taken this before so you're being cautious. That's sensible. However, you are in a position where something (depression/anxiety/whatever) has got bad enough that you want help with it. The side effects will not be as bad as the suffering you have now - and if you can't cope with the side effects, you don't have to stay on it. It does take a few weeks for side effects to go away, but it's so worth it, I promise.

I was not trying to lose weight. I didn't do anything different, but I put on a bit of weight. I put it down to getting a bit older. I used to get vivid dreams and initially my sleep was a bit messed up. Mostly the side effects have gone away, or I'm so used to them that I don't notice them any more, I'm not sure which! Lol.

13-01-17, 22:07
Been on cit for 7 months and gained no weight as eat healthy and exercise regularly. Sex drive deceased slightly but not a major effect. Good luck.