View Full Version : scared of panic attack

09-01-17, 19:37
I just had a panic attack-- i think? Can they come out of the blue? I have been having marital problems, and anxiety problems. I'm also hope with my 6 year old who who throwing up this morning. I spent the whole morning working from home and feeling anxious.

I was walking around the house and started to feeling short of breath (or maybe i was breathing too fast). I think that may have scared me. My stomach and back muscles got really tight. I felt like my breathing was constricted, then the palpitations started. I felt like i needed to run away. I called my mom to see if she could come over and watch my 6 year old while i calm down. She wasn't home, so i got more scared. i took a small dose of xanax which helped slightly, but am still concentrating on my breathing, which feels labored.

I'm assuming this is a full blown panic attack? I've never had the tight stomach with butterflies during an attack. I was able to bear down to stop the palpitations and did some deep breathing. I'm still feeling a sense of uneasiness and i'm scared. Any advice? What helps you during an attack?

09-01-17, 21:36
Panic attacks appear to just come out of the blue, but they are actually a result of accumulated tension that we fail to take notice of. What happened to you definitely sounds like a panic attack. The wish to run away is the flight or flight response. The symptoms that accompany a panic attack are varied and can change over time, so that's what happened to you, too, with the butterflies in your stomach you speak of.

If panic attacks are easy to overcome in the moment, I don't think people would fear them as much. As it turns out, we do. :( Focusing my mind on something engaging is what helps me when I'm panicking; so I'd usually take my phone out to ring someone or to play a game or go on the Internet. Acknowledge the panic, but move on from it. Know nothing bad is going to happen to you, and the panic must and will eventually pass. :)

09-01-17, 23:44
Thank you Ana! I'm still shooken up but tomorrow is a new day.

Clydesdale Epona
10-01-17, 00:19
Unfortunately for me my panic attacks always seem to happen out the blue, i haven't had one for about 3 months now(mine was triggered by a personal and serious to me topic) so considering the problems and anxieties in your life right now i'd say that's kind of what caused it, they can be really scary, i find it helpful to just lie down and sip water(i get the spots in my eyes, butterflies in my stomach, dizzy/fainty ect) but the symptoms vary from person to person, it can actually make some people throw up and often makes me feel like i'm having a heart attack(scary but not dangerous) x

10-01-17, 01:09
Funny thing is, if you experience enough of them over time, you just about get use to them. Not entirely though, because sometimes there can be new symptoms with the next one that make you wonder if one you're currently having really is a panic attack or not.

But therapist have always told me that no one has ever died from a true panic attack, so there's comfort in that I guess.

10-01-17, 20:52

Unfortunately, as others here have said, it can seem like they come out of no where. Sometimes they are triggered by a thought or a sensation. Other times your body has become so conditioned to the idea of panic that the physical symptoms come upon you seemingly unprovoked.
That's been the case for me for the past 6 months.

I often write on my hand to try and ground myself. Things like, "This is just a moment. It will pass." or "You are safe. Thank your body for trying to take care of you but remind it you are alright." Things like that.
If your hand is not suitable (for work or other reasons) carry a small notebook with you and jot these reminders there.
It's not a miracle, but it does help me to adjust my focus sometimes.

I also try guided meditations (which I know are not always practical depending on your setting).

I'm sorry you had this experience and I hope they are fewwwwww and far between for you.


10-01-17, 22:28
Thank you, all for the comforting words and for offering good advice. It's good to know that my symptoms seem to be fairly common. They are horrible, but won't die from them. Thank you, all