View Full Version : Acid Reflux

09-01-17, 19:55
Hi everyone,

About 8 months ago I started suffering really badly with acid reflux. It felt like a javelin had been stuck where my ribs meet and went through to my back and the acid irritated my throat to the point I couldn't stop gagging. I was put on 30mg Lansoprazole and I also took Gaviscon Advance for a while too. The symptoms were under complete control however caused bad constipation. I decided to ease off them which eased the constipation however the acid came back with a vengeance!!

My question is... can acid reflux be this bad? I feel like I am having a heart attack... my neck and all down my spine feels sore. Is this a reflux symptom? It really is agony and it worries me that this is caused by something else?

Also, does anybody find that lansoprazole causes constipation? I raised this with my dicta and she completely dismissed it but when I came off the tablets it sorted itself out. I am now back on Lansoprazole hoping for symptoms to pass soon.

Cheers :)

Clydesdale Epona
09-01-17, 20:12
Acid reflux certainly can cause horrific symptoms you wouldn't think it but as a long time sufferer myself it can get really painful, I can't comment on the medication because I'm only on omeprazole but I find that Gaviscon can really cause constipation too x

bin tenn
09-01-17, 22:16
It's not that uncommon for GERD to potentially trigger awful pain. My dad had it for years, and he told me many times it felt like a heart attack. I've also had it nearly that bad before. I take Pantoprazole (Protonix) now, for the past 4 1/2 months, and it's been amazing. I have no side effects, and also virtually no GERD symptoms. On rare occasions that I get symptoms, I supplement it with Tums and I'm fine.

11-01-17, 23:09

Yep, it can make you feel really rubbish. Mine was like an actual fire had been lit in my stomach anytime I ate anything - even drinking water caused it sometimes. Constantly felt like I was going to be sick when I ate, constantly felt like food was sitting on top of my stomach instead of going into it. Started worrying about hernias, gastro cancer, all sorts. I had it for 7 months straight over the summer last year. Nothing helped. Once my doc had exhausted all the options and could see I was still suffering, I had a gastroscopy. Nothing was found - it was put down to stress. Sure enough, as soon as I knew nothing was wrong, it started to fade away. Now I only get it when super stressed about something - it's a way I know I'm getting anxious about stuff.

I think the worrying about the symptoms caused more stress, making the symptoms worse - a vicious cycle. Could you pop to your doc and see about a gastroscopy to see what's going on in there?

Hope it goes away for you soon :)