View Full Version : Icy cold finger tips (diabetes?)

09-01-17, 21:03
Hi all,

I'm new to the forum but unfortunately not to anxiety! I am a 30 year old male. I've been suffering from anxiety and panic for about 12 years. It has all been managed fairly well but my health anxiety spikes more than anything these days. My biggest, recurring health anxiety revolves around diabetes. It's a silly worry, I know. I have managed my anxiety well for years but as I mentioned, I get flare ups that put me in a bad spot.

Without rambling much more, I had some blood work done on July 29th, which all my blood sugars came back completely normal. I did discover that my vitamin B12 was very low. I was told to take a B12 supplement daily. Before diagnosis I was experiencing symptoms very similar to that of diabetic neuropathy. My feet would get warm with burning sensations, I would have tingling in my feet. Being that my main health worry in life is diabetes, it sent me into a huge state of panic. I was relieved that this was not the case, as a B12 deficiency is much easier to remedy, in my opinion.

Here I am today though, and my feet are going through the same sensations all over again, along with other symptoms that mimic diabetes. What's new though is that in the last few days my finger tips will go completely frozen at random. It's worse in my index fingers. Like a true anxiety sufferer I Google'd causes of cold hands and low and behold diabetes was a symptom. I don't know the likelihood of becoming a full blown diabetic from July 29th to today, but I am convinced that due to all of these symptoms popping up again and with new ones that I am. My logic is that if I am taking the B12 supplements then that issue has been resolved, therefore, this must be diabetes this time around. I am new to being deficient in B12 so the rational part of my brain wants to believe that this is the cause of everything going on with me both physically and mentally. Anxiety does not allow for rational thinking, though!

I apologize for going on. I am scheduled to see my doctor in two weeks, so not as if I am just going to suffer through this without answers. Just very anxious at the moment.