View Full Version : Looking for some reassurance

09-01-17, 22:16
So, I've been getting heart burn a lot lately. I'm prone to it, however usually tums or something will make it go away, but lately it hasn't been.

I made the mistake of reading an article re: GERD and at the end it said for women heart burn can be a sign of heart attack and it's dangerous to ignore. I think now I'm having a lot of panic as well and that's making everything worse.

I have no other symptoms other than the heartburn, burping, cough, gross taste in mouth, stuffy nose and pain in the middle of my chest just below my breast bone.

I have no shortness of breath, nausea or anything like that. I've also had an ECG and chest X-ray about 5 weeks ago and it all came back OK.

I'm looking for reassurance that this is indeed heartburn and not a hidden heart attack.
I tried to go to the after hours tonight, but the doctor wasn't available.

09-01-17, 22:19
So if you know that reassurance will help, and you want reassurance.

Why not, you know.... reassure yourself? :)

09-01-17, 22:21
So if you know that reassurance will help, and you want reassurance.

Why not, you know.... reassure yourself? :)

Haha oh how easy my life would be if my brain logically worked that way, but instead I sit here worried that this could be a heart attack.

09-01-17, 22:29
You can try by taking Prilosec or Prevacid OTC for a few days.

So, I've been getting heart burn a lot lately. I'm prone to it, however usually tums or something will make it go away, but lately it hasn't been.

I made the mistake of reading an article re: GERD and at the end it said for women heart burn can be a sign of heart attack and it's dangerous to ignore. I think now I'm having a lot of panic as well and that's making everything worse.

I have no other symptoms other than the heartburn, burping, cough, gross taste in mouth, stuffy nose and pain in the middle of my chest just below my breast bone.

I have no shortness of breath, nausea or anything like that. I've also had an ECG and chest X-ray about 5 weeks ago and it all came back OK.

I'm looking for reassurance that this is indeed heartburn and not a hidden heart attack.
I tried to go to the after hours tonight, but the doctor wasn't available.

09-01-17, 22:33
Haha oh how easy my life would be if my brain logically worked that way, but instead I sit here worried that this could be a heart attack.

Thats the point though.

External reassurance doesnt work.

You already know its most likely nothing to worry about, and have had a clear ECG from trained professionals.

So nothing we will say can change anything.

You've listed ALL of the reasons why you shouldnt worry.

So no. I'm not going to reassure you. HA!

Someone else might though... :lac:

---------- Post added at 22:33 ---------- Previous post was at 22:32 ----------

My overall point is, when you bite the bullet and REASSURE YOURSELF... THAT (in a suitably larger font) is when you make breakthroughs.

09-01-17, 23:32
Thats the point though.

External reassurance doesnt work.

You already know its most likely nothing to worry about, and have had a clear ECG from trained professionals.

So nothing we will say can change anything.

You've listed ALL of the reasons why you shouldnt worry.

So no. I'm not going to reassure you. HA!

Someone else might though... :lac:

---------- Post added at 22:33 ---------- Previous post was at 22:32 ----------

My overall point is, when you bite the bullet and REASSURE YOURSELF... THAT (in a suitably larger font) is when you make breakthroughs.

Haha well the good news is I did indeed survive that panic attack.
After I read your message I was like "hmmm if I was actually having a heart attack I don't think I'd be hanging out in a forum."

Turns out it was heartburn followed by a ton of anxiety triggered by that stupid article I read.

09-01-17, 23:37
I'm glad you are feeling better sweetie. Also realize that as a woman? Hormone fluctuations can increase anxiety and heartburn! So that's something to keep in mind if your reflux and heartburn get bad again. Maybe start charting when it happens in case it is hormonal

09-01-17, 23:37
I was like "hmmm if I was actually having a heart attack I don't think I'd be hanging out in a forum."

Hey! That's MY line! ~lol~

Positive thoughts

bin tenn
09-01-17, 23:48
Hey! That's MY line! ~lol~

Positive thoughts

True story. :roflmao:

10-01-17, 00:08
I'm glad you are feeling better sweetie. Also realize that as a woman? Hormone fluctuations can increase anxiety and heartburn! So that's something to keep in mind if your reflux and heartburn get bad again. Maybe start charting when it happens in case it is hormonal

Thank you :)
When I quit smoking one of the benefits was that heartburn would lessen ... for me, it has actually gotten worse - go figure lol.

And it very well could be hormonal ... I didn't even think of that.
My mom also has really bad GERD - id rather share wealth with her than GERD.

I'm keeping track of various things - I do have an appt with my new GP, but I'm Canadian and the wait times are awful.
My appt isn't until March 22nd, but like I said, I've had a bunch of tests recently.

But yes, I am feeling better :)
Thank you

---------- Post added at 19:08 ---------- Previous post was at 19:06 ----------

Hey! That's MY line! ~lol~

Positive thoughts

It was actually you I heard it from. You have no idea
How much that has helped me.
I use it all the time in my mind "if I was actually having heart attack would I really be climbing all these stairs at work?" Lol.

10-01-17, 00:31
Thank you :)
When I quit smoking one of the benefits was that heartburn would lessen ... for me, it has actually gotten worse - go figure lol.

And it very well could be hormonal ... I didn't even think of that.
My mom also has really bad GERD - id rather share wealth with her than GERD.

I'm keeping track of various things - I do have an appt with my new GP, but I'm Canadian and the wait times are awful.
My appt isn't until March 22nd, but like I said, I've had a bunch of tests recently.

But yes, I am feeling better :)
Thank you[COLOR="blue"]

I hope you can find something to help in the meantime. Even just something like over the counter antacids can help. I've got PMS and my anxiety has been bad as had my heart burn. You aren't alone for sure :hugs:

10-01-17, 00:56
I hope you can find something to help in the meantime. Even just something like over the counter antacids can help. I've got PMS and my anxiety has been bad as had my heart burn. You aren't alone for sure :hugs:

That could very well explain the extreme anxiety earlier and heartburn. I'm
Glad you mentioned it. I didn't even think to link the two.