View Full Version : Time Passage Anxiety

09-01-17, 23:37
Good evening to all. I came across this forum because I've been experiencing anxiety about the passing of time and stressing about how quickly life is passing by. I read through a few posts about this there seems to be a common theme, namely, those of us that experience this anxiety are in our 30s. I have a theory as to why this is the case and I would like to run it by this group to see if it makes sense to any of you.

My theory is this: we (people in general and those suffering from anxiety in particular) seem to notice/fret about how quickly time passes in our 30s for two reasons. First, after living for thirty years, one year is a much smaller percentage of the total time we have lived then it is when we were younger. One year seems much longer to a four year old, for example, because it makes up 25% of their life! By the time your 30, one year is only 3%. We this perspective time seems to speed up.

The second reason I think we notice time flying by in our 30s is because at this age, we often start to lose people we love. Everyone in their 20s/30s when we were born is now in their 50s/60s and getting closer to the average age of death. We realize that they are only 20/30 years ahead of us and realize how quickly we will arrive where they are.

Sorry for the lengthy post but I wanted to get your thoughts. I seem to deal with anxiety better when I try to come up with rationale for some of the stress.

09-01-17, 23:49
That's my theory as to why time seems to go by much faster as we grow older. It's mathematical. If you're 2, a year of your life is half your life. As you grow older, is a year a smaller and smaller fraction of your life thus it seems to go faster.

As far as anxiety over it? Pffft... It is what it is. My signature says it all ;)

Positive thoughts

10-01-17, 21:04
Hi OP, what you say makes a lot of sense, I too have anxiety about time passing. It makes me frustrated, sad, angry and terrified. Your theory makes sense.

What can we do though? We can't freeze time (yet)...but its horrible, especially as you say when we start losing people.