View Full Version : stomach pain

12-04-07, 16:43
hi there today i had this sudden lower stomach pain like very severe cramp it had me doubled over,it is the end of my period but never get pain like this.i went to my doc and he asked if i had any clots during my period and i didnt think so but not sure ,he listened to my back and asked me to take deep breaths as he listened to my lungs,y would he listen to my lungs with a sore tummy.he said it was maybe a clot getting stuck in my womb and that would cause cramp but would move soon and not at all seriuos,but y did he listen to my lungs i didnt have any other symptoms,did he think i had a clot in my lung,i dont understand .now im worried if the pain gets bad again then its something sinister can you get a clot from your tummy .please help as now im worried ,he also tapped the bottom of my back and asked if that was sore which it wasnt,then i lay down and he told me to cough and asked if that was sore but it wasnt ,what do you think he was looking for.in the end he wasnt really sure could have been womb or colic.but i just need to understand what he was looking for,i never thought of asking at the time i was just so releived it wasnt serious i hope you can help thank you molly

12-04-07, 17:05
Hi,the cramp could have been your bowels,that can go into a spasm.Could you be constipated.Im pretty sure you havent a clot on the lung,the gp would have been concerned if you had.It could have just been a period cramp.If its gone and not continueing its probably settled it self.:hugs:

12-04-07, 18:22
Well, Dr. Yorkylover considers your situation to be "settled."

As actual physicians, we listen to your lungs because ultimately, that's where a clot can end up as it circulates through the vascular system. If you're presently taking any form of birth control or estrogen replacement therapy, then I'd be more concerned about a clot.

If this is a single episode, then I'd hardly become overly worried. There's a lot of territory at the "lower stomach" area regarding pain described by patients, which could actually mean anything below the diaphragm near the ribs all the way down to the pelvis. It's really not all that practical to make assumptions about the cause in a single self-resolving episode. You can take a breath and relax. If the pain returns, then your primary care physician can look further by ordering a few tests. Regardless, this should not raise concern on the order of a life-threatening event of any type.

12-04-07, 21:27
Hello there.

Now Dr Dying Swan is going to give her opinion (not a real doctor btw)

If you think about it, your major organs (heart and lungs at least) are in your chest. They always need to be sure these things are ok, even if the pain is in your tummy.

So, all your doctor was doing was checking you over properly to make sure he/she hadn't missed anything important.

Take some painkillers and have an early night. Also try putting a hot water bottle on your tummy if you find it helpful. If the pain continues, see your Doctor again.

Hope you feel better soon :) xx

12-04-07, 22:21
Well my point Dying_Swan was that in offering a small portion of my limited time to address questions of a medical nature, I specifically asked Nicola to create this particular forum so that I would not have to read through a plethora of responses by others in order to answer medical questions since my time is extremely limited.

To date, despite repeated requests, I find that I am unable to gain assistance from your forum participants.

Therefore, I'll take this opportunity to withdraw from further participation in the forum since there are apparently far more "qualified physicians" available to respond than once believed.

I wish all of you well in your endeavors and I'll take the liberty to return to my own forum and its members.

Best regards.

12-04-07, 22:30

I am sorry. The last thing I meant to do was offend anyone. As I said above, I'm not a physician. I just wanted to offer some advice I thought might help. Please don't leave because of me. I stupidly didn't read the bit saying questions would be answered by qualified physicians. Please, please don't leave when you can help people. :weep:

12-04-07, 22:30
RLR - I wll sort something out for you asap to stop this happening.

13-04-07, 00:30
I dont get whats happening here,RLR has posted a message to Dr yorkylover and it wasnt me who started the thread.Are you trying to be sarcastic.I know Im not a doctor,I like Dying swan was just offering my opinion and trying to relax Molly.I thought thats what this site was all about helping and offering advise.I dont think dying swan was being off,they were just offering an opinion.I have suffered from alot of stomach problems and understood where Molly was coming from.:lac:

13-04-07, 08:37
Thanks for backing me up Yorkylover. I agree. I thought this site was about helping others. I don't think either of us 'pretended' to be doctors at any point. I don't really understand how RLR got so offended. Neither of us 'diagnosed' Molly, we were just trying to offer an opinion. Maybe I was wrong. I shall refrain from trying to help again. Also, it says that you can answer posts in this forum after the doctors have. So, that's all I did. And all Yorkylover did was offer a bit of advice as she has suffered herself.

14-04-07, 21:58
hi thank you for your replies ,im sorry it all caused a disagreement im sure no one meant to upset anyone.They were only trying to ease my worries ,to be honest i still dont really understand the doctors answer.im a bit confused by it.I hope the doctor comes back as im sure he gives everyone great support and advice which in this site is greatly needed.But thats what everyone else is here for too and its nice that people from all walks of life want to offer there help too. take care molly

14-04-07, 22:27
Hi Molly,hope you are feeling better.I didnt realise we were not supposed to reply on this area until the professionals have replied,my mistake.Myself and Dying swan were like you said only trying to reasure you.RLR didnt have to leave because we made a mistake by replying you first.:lac:
Hope you are better:hugs:

14-04-07, 22:58
thank you for your reply ,i am very gratfull for your advice and im sure the doctor will come back. many thanks molly

15-04-07, 13:31
Hey Molly.

Whilst vowing never to write in this forum again, here I am! Just wanted to see how you are getting along? Any more pain?

I also wanted to apologise for disrupting your thread. The focus went right off the original problem, so I'm sorry for that and hope you are feeling much better now xx

17-04-07, 01:02
i agree with swan she was just giving her opinion i would of more of less said the same thing, alot of us suffer with belly probs with stress anxiety ect tc molly im sure it will led up for ya wish ya the best..........linda

20-04-07, 17:54
hi there yes my stomach is a lot better thanks ,i think it was just stress .thank you for all your help and advice many thanks molly xx