View Full Version : Panicking about my upcoming cruise

10-01-17, 09:24
Hi all,

Just looking for some advise please.

Ive suffered with anxiety/panic attacks since I was a teenager. A couple of years ago I was diagnosed with an overactive thyroid which made sense for a lot of my symptoms. Since receiving treatment I have been so much better, however I feel the years of panic attacks have left me mentally scarred.

I'm booked to go on a 14 night cruise from Southampton in June for our late honeymoon. My first holiday overseas in 18 years due to my anxiety issues.

Problem is now I am completely freaking out that I won't be able to cope trapped on a ship without being able to get off. I'm scared I'm going to completely freak out and do something stupid. I've even considered cancelling I'm that scared.

Has anybody had a similar experience and managed to overcome this? I know I have the support of my husband, but it's all so overwhelming.

10-01-17, 10:15
So I'm assuming you will be able to get off the ship at regular intervals?

Its normal to have some nerves, especially when you have struggled so deeply with anxiety.

However the anticipation is ALWAYS worse than the actual event. You should know that by now.

Once you get on that ship, relax, enjoy the atmosphere, have a drink, have a swim, it'll be amazing.

You've got to remember that EVERYTHING and EVERYONE on that ship is geared towards you having a good time and enjoying yourself, and they will have met loads of people with nerves and anxiety before.

So don't cancel. Look forward to two weeks in a really nice environment, and think about all us poor sods stuck in our offices!

10-01-17, 10:41
You sound like me I have cancelled every holiday in the last 10 years due to the anxiety which is dreadful. I know where your coming from.i even cancell days out due to the anticipation thing, I am going to the hairdressers today, which I have done every six weeks and I dread it, my husband says you have done it before you will be alright,but I want to cancel. But I don't as I know as bad as I feel I must have my roots done.if you know what I mean , anyway I think you are doing the right thing if you read doctor Claire weeks book. There is a section on going on holiday, and she also does a cd titled going on holiday.which I have both,and she says that the build up is the worse.if you can get these cds or books I am sure it will help you.maybe I haven't the confidence to venture out yet on holiday, as I have a sick husband and not a lot of support.and I am over 60 I really hope you go on this cruise and let us all know how it goes. Explain to your doctor and maybe he can put your mind at rest, I think they have medical people on board who you can talk to. If need be. It's like everything going to the dentist etc it's the anticipation that's does this. I hope you have a lovely time I really do.

10-01-17, 10:59
Thank you Lavender for the info. And it makes sense.

I too have cancelled far too many holidays and outings.

At the moment my anxiety's sky high because I'm flying on Thursday (with my husband) to visit my son for three weeks. It's not even the flight that scares me. It's just being in an unfamiliar place and out of my comfort zone.

I WANT to go and I'm the one that arranged it. I know I'll have a lovely time too. It's the anticipation that's causing all this anxiety and the symptoms that go along with it.

I feel so mad with myself that I've allowed this to spoil what should be an exciting time.

It's true though, that if you make the effort to go, once you're there you relax and enjoy yourself. If you don't go you spend months regretting it.

It helps to know that others are in the same boat, especially those that make the push and come back telling us that not only did they survive but tha they enjoyed themselves.

I think taking along a 'survival kit" might help. All the little things that have become a crutch during times of stress. Medication, books, tea, whatever you use at home to help you get through these times.

10-01-17, 11:27
I could go on and on about anxiety and how I have coped over the years but I won't as at the moment we have to move forward. But I use doctor Bach rescue remedy. Doctor Claire weekes books and lavender oil when in need , take what helps you and comforts you. On the plane. Let us know how you get on . Good luck.

10-01-17, 12:34
Thanks for the advise everyone.

I think the main thing that is worrying me is getting on and knowing that we won't be able to get off for at least 2.5 days as we spend the first couple of days at sea before reaching Gibraltar. I have visions of the ship sailing away and me screaming that I want to get off!
It is a massive ship with loads to do, but scared I won't be able to enjoy any of it as I will be conscious of the fact I'm In the middle of the ocean trapped

10-01-17, 13:18
You're not trapped though!

You need to reframe how you see it, and the words you use. :)

10-01-17, 17:28
Sazz, I am an anxiety ridden cruise survivor! I was very daunted about going. I was worried I'd feel trapped, worried about how I'd manage on land in places I'd never been before, worried I'd get sea sick and basically what if'd every possible situation. I had an amazing time. So much so that I've now been on two cruises.

I honestly never once felt trapped, or like I had to get off the ship immediately. These cruise liners are so enormous and so well designed that most of the time, you forget that you're even on a ship. My "safe" place was my cabin, and whenever I felt the anxiety beginning to overwhelm me I'd go there and do the things I'd usually do at home, ie breathing exercises, distraction, listen to relaxation audios etc. I'm not going to lie, I had a some very bad moments with panic and anxiety, but I coped, and it wouldn't put me off going again. I figured that I can lay at home a shaking anxious mess or I can be floating on a 5 star luxury hotel a shaking anxious mess. For me, the times I struggled the most with both cruises was when I was on land, far from my safe place. But that is much the same as I am when I'm at home. But you know what, I can now say that I've had some spectacular panic attacks in some of the most amazing cities in Europe. It wasn't always bad when I was on land, and I got to see some incredible places that I never thought I would.

You will have a terrific time. Remember your coping strategies and remember that panicking in Gibraltar is no worse/different than panicking in the UK, aside from it being sunnier, warmer and nice things to look at while you try to catch your breath :-) Feel free to PM me if you want to ask anything.