View Full Version : Are lymph nodes the same on both sides?

10-01-17, 09:41
I noticed yesterday that a lymph node on the right side of my neck, at the front just under my jaw, feels slightly bigger and noticeable than on the left side. It feels slightly harder as well.
Should lymph nodes feel the same on both sides?
I'm starting to go into a spiral about this now. I'm still waiting for my counselling to start but I just can't help thinking the worst, as usual :weep:
I know lymph nodes can get a little bigger from poking and prodding at them, but that wasn't the case here. The first time I felt it it was bigger.
Any advice anyone, please!!

10-01-17, 10:12
They can fluctuate and differ in size depending on a variety of things.

No cause for concern. I spent a good while worrying about them a few years ago.

One thing I learnt is that the more you focus on them, the more sensitive you are to them. They do swell occasionally. Thats their job.

10-01-17, 11:01
Thanks for replying SLA.
I know it could be a lot of things, but what's concerning me is that it's slightly harder and I remember reading some time ago (probably on good old Dr Google) that hard lymph nodes is not good.
Has anyone else ever had hard lymph nodes that turned out to be nothing?
And just in case anyone is wondering, I don't have a cold or any kind of infection at the moment.

10-01-17, 13:24
Finding reasons to worry.... :winks:

I dont mess around with my lymph nodes anymore, or focus on them in the slightest.

If there is a problem, my body will let me know of its own accord.

If in doubt, go see a Doctor.

10-01-17, 19:21
Hi, I noticed I can feel one I have about 7 Months ago. How big is it would you say? Can you move it around?

10-01-17, 21:31
The body is not perfectly symmetrical so it's totally normal for one lymph node to feel different than another.

11-01-17, 01:13
I noticed yesterday that a lymph node on the right side of my neck, at the front just under my jaw, feels slightly bigger and noticeable than on the left side. It feels slightly harder as well.
Should lymph nodes feel the same on both sides?
I'm starting to go into a spiral about this now. I'm still waiting for my counselling to start but I just can't help thinking the worst, as usual :weep:
I know lymph nodes can get a little bigger from poking and prodding at them, but that wasn't the case here. The first time I felt it it was bigger.
Any advice anyone, please!!

No, mine are not. Never have been. The ones on the left are much more "findable".

11-01-17, 03:30
One of mine has always been bigger on one side than the other, and I've seen multiple doctors about it and they all said that it was okay.

11-01-17, 10:27
Thanks for replying everyone.
I do feel a little better knowing other people have them different sizes. But I've gone into that downward spiral now and I don't know how to get out of it.
I'm going to see my doctor about something else in about 3 weeks. I know I can't keep running to her every time I find something new, but how the hell am I going to get through these next 3 weeks. This is completely taking over, again :weep:

11-01-17, 10:36
I have a relatively hard node next to my right ear (parotid perhaps I can't remember, I daren't Google anymore as I don't want to get deep into the health anxiety hell again), I've had it quite a long time. I also have a palpable node on the left side of my neck, but not the right, when I get a cold it's even more prominent.

I know it's hard as I've been there before when nothing can ease your mind, but doubt it's anything, plus you say it's only slightly bigger and harder. If it was something sinister, there'd be no 'slight' difference I'm sure

11-01-17, 12:55
I'm just going to say listen to what's being said previously.

Positive thoughts

13-01-17, 10:06
What do lymph nodes feel like in the neck, just under the jaw bone, about half way between the ear and chin. I'm in a panic about my lymph nodes at the moment. On the left and the right side it feels as if it's about 2 - 3 cm long. I freaked out the other day thinking one was bigger than the other, but now I think they're both roughly the same size, maybe one slightly bigger. They feel reasonably soft to touch. But is 2-3cm long too big? Or it is a few lymph nodes very close to each other? I just don't know what's normal?

13-01-17, 10:46
Does it matter?

Put it this way - a lymph node in any state of danger to you would absolutely let you know about it. You'd be in no doubt something was wrong.

13-01-17, 10:48
I just don't know what's normal?

The route of cause of all Health Anxiety.

13-01-17, 11:32
The route of cause of all Health Anxiety.

Silly SLA! Make more sense!

13-01-17, 12:41
There are over 600 nodes in our bodies. They range from less then .5cm to 2cm on average and all are considered normal.

We cannot measure a node. Sorry, no matter what you do or say, telling me that you have a 2-3cm node doesn't wash because you're not a medical professional. The key words "feels like" says it all. Anxiety has a way of skewing reality to fit the fear so what may actually be a coffee bean size feels like a grape or more.

I know nodes... intimately. I know cancerous nodes... intimately. I even have pics ;) STOP POKING AND PRODDING!! Doing so aggravates them and continuous poking and prodding can make them permanently swollen (shotty).

Positive thoughts

14-01-17, 11:49
I'm having a lymph node crisis this week and I just can't seem to shake it off.
I'm concerned about the nodes in my neck, just under my jaw on both sides. I don't even know if what I'm feeling is actually lymph nodes or something else, perhaps muscles. I don't have to push in hard at all to feel it. It does feel about 2 - 3 cm long, softish and is fairly similar on both sides. Does this sound like nodes or is there muscles there it could be?
If there was something sinister wrong with a node, surely it wouldn't happen fairly symmetrically on both sides, would it?
Sorry for going on about this guys but I'm trying not to google or go running to the doctor about it. They are 2 habits I'm trying to break!!

14-01-17, 12:30

There have been some really good replies on your previous threads so I will merge them together to make it easier to read through them.


14-01-17, 16:14

There have been some really good replies on your previous threads so I will merge them together to make it easier to read through them.


Thanks Elen. I know the replies have been good and I'm really grateful to people for taking the time to reply.
I just can't shake this thought from my head though. I'm trying my best not to google or go running to the doctor.
Surely if my nodes, or whatever I'm feeling, are the same on both sides then it can't be anything sinister, right??

14-01-17, 16:26
Thanks Elen. I know the replies have been good and I'm really grateful to people for taking the time to reply.
I just can't shake this thought from my head though. I'm trying my best not to google or go running to the doctor.
Surely if my nodes, or whatever I'm feeling, are the same on both sides then it can't be anything sinister, right??

Instead of asking that question of us, ask it of yourself? And answer it as rationally and honestly as you possibly can.

You're suffering here because of a thought. But you can't shake thoughts from your head. We have far less control over our thoughts than we realise. Intrusive, irrational, unpleasant thoughts happen to us all. The difference is in our reaction to them. Right now, you're plagued by thoughts that something is wrong with your lymph nodes. You've no evidence whatsoever that there is anything actually wrong, but the thought is causing you to suffer. Or rather, you've reacted with fear. What you need to change is your reaction. Realise that a thought isn't true just because you have it. Then start to challenge that thought. But don't add to your suffering by attempting to chase it away.

14-01-17, 20:44
I have a reasonably large cervical node I've been freaking out about recently, maybe around 1.5cm-2cm. I've done tests and I think they have come out okay but I'll visit the doctor next week, however if it was they probably would have called me already.

I can understand your struggle :( I have bad days and good days but I noticed it over a month ago and it doesn't seem to have grown or anything so that sounds like good news I guess.

14-01-17, 21:09
I have a reasonably large cervical node I've been freaking out about recently, maybe around 1.5cm-2cm. I've done tests and I think they have come out okay but I'll visit the doctor next week, however if it was they probably would have called me already.

I can understand your struggle :( I have bad days and good days but I noticed it over a month ago and it doesn't seem to have grown or anything so that sounds like good news I guess.

I admire your attitude.
Of course they probably would've called you by now if anything were seriously wrong.
I usually have trouble staying positive while waiting for test results. i'm glad you're managing it.
Best wishes!

14-01-17, 21:41
I admire your attitude.
Of course they probably would've called you by now if anything were seriously wrong.
I usually have trouble staying positive while waiting for test results. i'm glad you're managing it.
Best wishes!

Thankyou :)

I've tried to keep my mind off of it because honestly the brain can create monsters that don't even exist.

The likelihood is that all is well and fine but a small part of my brain is always convincing me otherwise.

"What if it grows to golfball size?"
"What if you get diagnosed when it's incurable?"
"What if they miss something on those tests?"

It just goes on and on tbh :(

When I go back to the doctor for my tests I'm going to ask for a referral for some counselling.

16-01-17, 22:45
Does it matter?

Put it this way - a lymph node in any state of danger to you would absolutely let you know about it. You'd be in no doubt something was wrong.

That's correct.