View Full Version : Chest pain and lymphoma

10-01-17, 13:16
So for the past 2 years I have had swollen lymph nodes in my groin. I have seen countless doctors about this, had blood tests and a ultra sound (two years ago) and was given the all clear. I went back to the doctors about this a few weeks ago, who gave me another blood test and said no further action was required.

Now though, for the past 2 months I have been having strong chest pains in the middle of the chest, slightly to the right. It hurts to sit up, to cough, to take deep breaths. I first noticed it in the gym 2 months ago, and it still hasn't improved.

I'm terrified at the thought of lymphoma. That I may have had it all this time, that it spread to the Thymus and that this is causing my chest pains. I went to a doctor about it, and he listened to my lungs and said they sounded OK, but he wants to do a scan. He also hasn't seen my nodes before, and agreed it was weird that they are swollen for 2 years without an explanation. I'm panicking like hell over this, and am sorry worried it's all due to a chance that has been undiagnosed but spreading over this 2 year period. The nodes constantly ache, and now the chest is an added pain that keeps my mind on it.

This drives me crazy. I'm 24 and have been dealing with this almost constant anxiety for over 2 years.

10-01-17, 21:52
Any help?

10-01-17, 22:05

The term "swollen" is what I question in your post. We have over 600 nodes in our bodies which can vary in size from -.5cm up to 2cm and still be "normal".

I have to go with the medical professionals in that your nodes are not "swollen" as they've dismissed you from further action. So now, you've gone to another doctor and that doctor is fueling your fears by agreeing with you. 1 doctor out of how many now? So he's doing what he's supposed to be doing by testing but I'm 100% confident all will be well and "if" they are swollen at all it's because of constant poking and prodding over 2 years, the result of which is they've become shotty (permanently swollen).

There was a former member here and like you, was convinced he had lymphoma. He had countless tests, scans and saw doctor after doctor. All dismissed him. Finally, he found a doctor that did an invasive procedure (biopsy) to remove the nodes in his groin. Guess what? Nothing wrong! Shotty from years of poking and prodding. He STILL wasn't convinced.

Do what you feel you need to do but I believe working on the root of the problem (anxiety) will help to alleviate your worries over this.

Positive thoughts

11-01-17, 03:40
Your chest pains could be because of muscle strain or just from anxiety. One time my mum went on holiday for two weeks and my chest non-stop hurt and I thought I had lymphoma too, didn't help because I have a lymph node in my neck that has always been bigger than my left one. As soon as she cane home, I was able to relax and tell her my worries. Low and behold, my chest pain disappeared!

It was a very heavy, tight, restricting pain that hurt to breathe in and cough if that eases your mind any.

11-01-17, 11:34
Thanks for the replies.

Fishmanpa, the nodes are confirmed swollen by doctors. Only in the absence of other symptoms etc they assume they are likely benign, especially after two years of no noticeable change. I literally watched them grow before my eyes two years ago after the gym. One doctor suggested they may have grown in response to muscular inflammation. Maybe so.

The problem I have, is whenever I get ill, or something new happens, I instantly link it to the nodes. So, for example, this chest pain arrives. It started in the gym, so at first I was able to brush it off as muscular, or costochondritis, or something. Then it persisted and I connected the two, and now in my mind its a spreading cancer.

In all likelihood, it is just inflammation, and will subside in a few months. But the nagging worry is there and it drives me mad.

11-01-17, 13:02
I knew you would say that :)

I had head and neck cancer. I watched as a node grew from a coffee bean to two the size of small eggs in 6 months. I have pics of the excised cancerous nodes too! I talked about this with you two years ago (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=161424).

Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. It doesn't come and go nor does it stop once it starts.

I suggest instead of medical professionals, you seek the help of mental health professionals to help you disassociate every niggle as lymphoma or some other cancer.

Good luck and as always...

Positive thoughts