View Full Version : one for the woman, nipples (sorry)

10-01-17, 13:43
ok so i havnt been on here for a while, I was checking as woman are suppose to do and on my nipple there is a small red spot, its not sore doesn't itch or anything its not a lump most definitely a spot it looks like a blood spot its so tiny but im now obsessing over it and worrying its BC. I don't really want to go the doctors with a spot because generally I think its nothing to worry about but my anxiety is rife thinking about it and I keep checking it. anyone else had this? can a spot around that area be normal? sorry its a bit of a tmi post.

thanks in advance for your replies.

Catherine S
10-01-17, 14:18
Hi titch, good to see you. ..well not good from a health anxiety point of view but you know what I mean :D

I reckon that nipples can be more troublesome than the rest of the breast altogether, as they can easily be knocked or chafed against clothing etc. They are vulnerable to infections because they are very open and porous. From what you say, it doesn't sound like anything sinister maybe just a very small blood blister.

Take care
ISB :) x

10-01-17, 14:29
Thank you for your reply, yes it's not even raised very much to be honest. I know really it's probably ok but then my little head just runs off with it. It's definatly not a lump and not sore or anything maybe it is just a general spot is it possible to get blood blisters here? X

Catherine S
10-01-17, 14:41
Well I'd say it's possible to get these blood spots anywhere there's a blood supply. They can appear anywhere on your body and are commonly seen in the mouth, inside of the lips or cheeks. Just keep your eye on it, which you obviously will, but I reckon it will fade in time. If it really worries you , ask your practice nurse to take a look if you'd prefer not to see your doctor about it.

ISB :) x

10-01-17, 14:51
Thank you for your replies I just shown my other half and he said how the bloody hell have you noticed that. It's that small. I think possibly it is a spot like I said no lump and no other symptoms anxiety is calming abit now thanks Hun x

Catherine S
10-01-17, 15:03
:hugs: x