View Full Version : Blood in stool?

10-01-17, 14:46
Hello all, I am new to this forum so please stick with me on this one. :)

Two days ago, I used the bathroom, and I noticed what I thought was a small amount of blood in my stool. When I wiped there was a small orange/red dot, but it wasn't liquid, rather a semi-solid piece.

The next day, I went, and it looked like there was the orange/red mixed in with my stool (very small spots of it), but it was hard to tell if it was blood or not - although I think it was. And when I wiped, there was not any blood on the toilet paper.

This morning when I went, I saw only one small streak of somewhat darker blood in one spot, on my stool and that was it and none when I wiped. I am freaking out right now because I think I have colon cancer. My appetite is basically the same, but it's gone down because I've been so anxious about this. I'm a 23 year old male, with really bad eating habits. Also, it isn't anything I've eaten because I have not eaten anything red the past 3 days. I'm so scared. :unsure:

10-01-17, 14:51
Really does sound like something you ate.

Positive thoughts

10-01-17, 15:08
If its bright blood then not usually anything bad, could be a small tear or something like that, if its darker blood then I would suggest seeing your doctor, a simple stool test might even ease your worrying a bit!

10-01-17, 16:14
I'm just scared out of my mind right now. I'm reading all of these stories of young people being diagnosed with colon cancer at my age.

I have had health anxiety for about 17 years now, and each time something scary happens, I'm able to brush it off as something else. But, this time, it's an actual symptom and I can't just say, "oh maybe it's this or that." :sad:

10-01-17, 16:35
So being that there was no blood on the paper and you eat poorly does not hold any weight? People get fissures and hemmies and like I said, this sounds like undigested bits but if you're that scared, see a doctor.

Positive thoughts

10-01-17, 18:41
I actually have a simple question if you don't mind me asking.

Would red jolly ranchers cause me to find some red mixed in with my stool? I've been eating jolly ranchers, known as "Awesome Reds" and it's just red jolly ranchers. I've been told that Red#40 can cause redness of stools, which is in the jolly ranchers. - but it didn't say if it caused small spots of your stool to be red or the whole thing. I've eaten them before, but never noticed if my stool had the red dots before.

I just went again - it was a small amount and didn't see any red in it that time. I'm still nervous because it's unnerving to see something like that in my stool. So, could that have ANYTHING to do with it, or does it still sound like it might be blood?

10-01-17, 18:44
I actually have a simple question if you don't mind me asking.

Would red jolly ranchers cause me to find some red mixed in with my stool? I've been eating jolly ranchers, known as "Awesome Reds" and it's just red jolly ranchers. I've been told that Red#40 can cause redness of stools, which is in the jolly ranchers.

2+2=? ;)

Positive thoughts

11-01-17, 01:28
Having a bit (like, one tiny dot) of blood when you wipe isn't uncommon.
Even in children. I think I can recall seeing this once in awhile when I helped my kids wipe, when they were little.
I think it has to do with your bottom tearing a little bit when you poop.
I've had it a couple of times in my life, and then it was gone for years. So I assume it's something that just happens to people every once in awhile.
If it was every time, i'd worry, but even so, hemmorroids would be the most likely explanation.

11-01-17, 02:11
I actually have a simple question if you don't mind me asking.

Would red jolly ranchers cause me to find some red mixed in with my stool? I've been eating jolly ranchers, known as "Awesome Reds" and it's just red jolly ranchers. I've been told that Red#40 can cause redness of stools, which is in the jolly ranchers. - but it didn't say if it caused small spots of your stool to be red or the whole thing. I've eaten them before, but never noticed if my stool had the red dots before.

I just went again - it was a small amount and didn't see any red in it that time. I'm still nervous because it's unnerving to see something like that in my stool. So, could that have ANYTHING to do with it, or does it still sound like it might be blood?

Get the mixed bag of "Original" and only eat the blue ones for a while, then you'll know. :D

Naw seriously man, It's more than likely undigested food. Because I've been down this road myself before and I even got so worried about it, I went to the doctor. He gave me a bunch of test placards with flat wooden sticks and yadda, yadda, yadda - I'm not going to bother with the details here and to make a long story short - I returned them to the doc's office and they found nothing, notta, zilch.

So I believe you're doing exactly what I did and you're just focusing too much on colon cancer and worrying yourself into a frenzy for no reason. But if you can't stop thinking about it, well you can go to the doctor and go through the tests for peace of mind like I did. :blush: Although I felt silly afterwards, when I did it and they found nothing.

11-01-17, 02:19
Get the mixed bag of "Original" and only eat the blue ones for a while, then you'll know. :D

Naw seriously man, It's more than likely undigested food. Because I've been down this road myself before and I even got so worried about it, I went to the doctor. He gave me a bunch of test placards with flat wooden sticks and yadda, yadda, yadda - I'm not going to bother with the details here and to make a long story short - I returned them to the doc's office and they found nothing, notta, zilch.

So I believe you're doing exactly what I did and you're just focusing too much on colon cancer and worrying yourself into a frenzy for no reason. But if you can't stop thinking about it, well you can go to the doctor and go through the tests for peace of mind like I did. :blush: Although I felt silly afterwards, when I did it and they found nothing.

Exactly. My 4-year-old had what looked like blood in his stool for several days last year. I finally took him to the doctor (and brought along a sample of his stool, which she agreed looked concerning).
She tested it, and it contained no blood.
As best we can figure, it contained either undigested tomato from pasta sauce, or undigested strawberries.
I probably would not worry so much next time, because now I know firsthand exactly how much undigested food can resemble blood in the stool, and still not be that. i mean seriously, even the doctor was concerned! Enough to order these tests, and not just send me away with reassurance. But it wasn't blood, and i doubt yours is either.

11-01-17, 03:32
I get fissures sometimes and they can bring about quite a bit of blood on the tissue if they were bad.

But this could also be something you ate. Some things take much longer to digest than others, so it could be something from like 3 or 4 days ago that's finally made its way out.

11-01-17, 19:26
A little update...this morning, I used the bathroom and my stool was normal again...I didn't see any blood. But, I'm still not as hungry as I normally am, and my abdominal pain is back - this is abdominal pain that I have had for over 5 years, so it's nothing new to me.

11-01-17, 20:39
Exactly. My 4-year-old had what looked like blood in his stool for several days last year. I finally took him to the doctor (and brought along a sample of his stool, which she agreed looked concerning).
She tested it, and it contained no blood.
As best we can figure, it contained either undigested tomato from pasta sauce, or undigested strawberries.
I probably would not worry so much next time, because now I know firsthand exactly how much undigested food can resemble blood in the stool, and still not be that. i mean seriously, even the doctor was concerned! Enough to order these tests, and not just send me away with reassurance. But it wasn't blood, and i doubt yours is either.

Lol, yeah come to think of it, I went through something similar like that with my daughter years ago. Me and the ex-wife at first both thought it was a symptom of something sinister going on as we noticed red stuff in her stool, but in that case, I quickly realized and remembered her eating a crap load of pizza the night before and I reminded the ex about it. Eventually we narrowed it down to undigested pizza\tomato sauce. The ex kept vigilant in checking her stools after that, but we never saw it again, thank god.

A little update...this morning, I used the bathroom and my stool was normal again...I didn't see any blood. But, I'm still not as hungry as I normally am, and my abdominal pain is back - this is abdominal pain that I have had for over 5 years, so it's nothing new to me.

Have you been checked out for IBS or even GERD? Might be worth looking into. That just might explain everything you've been talking about.

19-01-17, 14:52
Oh no, I'm pretty sure it was blood I saw. I went to the bathroom this morning, and when I checked, there was a red spot on my stool, but everything else was normal...or somewhat normal. I don't get it, I don't want to have colon cancer...I'm only 23. :(

Why is this happening to me? I haven't had anything that is red, so I know it's not food. The color was brighter than normal though. And relative to the size of my stool, it didn't look huge (sorry about the details). Also, there was no blood when wiping or anywhere else in the toilet. Please, I'm so scared.

19-01-17, 14:57

19-01-17, 15:00

Exactly or a fissure or "red jolly ranchers".... My BIL had colon cancer. First off, he was much older and blood when he wiped wasn't a symptom. I'm sorry you're still worrying. Hope it eases up soon.

Positive thoughts

19-01-17, 15:22
I don't have colorectal cancer myself but I have a disease that involves a rectal bleeding when in a flare (Crohn's) and it isn't a spot of blood on my stool (well had no formed stools at that point) or when wiping.

19-01-17, 18:21
I'm wrestling on whether or not I want to go to the doctors or not. I didn't see it for 2 days, and now it's present again.

24-01-17, 14:28
Oh no, I saw it again. This time, it was a little bit more than I usually see. I haven't eaten anything red, and when I went, there were the streaks on it, and when I wiped, it was red too. However, when wiping, the red looked like chunks, and not liquid. But, I know it isn't anything I ate, because as I said before, I have been not eating anything red on purpose. I feel hopeless now. :(

24-01-17, 15:37
You have entered the badlands loop. Now you re into testing mode: not eating red, checking, bending over your poop and trying to figure out the colors. Panicking slighly when something redish roams around.
I guess even going to the bathroom now takes a heavy toll on your peace of mind. It's becoming a life or death thing and your sit on the toilet sweating your minds out. The days no sinister color is around you re half relieved ( but there WAS blood the other day, wasn't there?), and when the color comes back it bangs the fear out again with a sense of treason (oh noio the body does it to ME again...)
Am I right? Oh I'm no wizzard, I'Ve been there buddy.

Now for the solution: one in the badlands the way out is called Doctor time and colonoscopy routine. Once this is cleared, working on your mindset will be a no brainer.

24-01-17, 18:44
Truth is nobody actually knows we can all have a good guess but if anything troubles you to the point that it affects your day to day living you should almost certainly have it checked out quick trip to the doctors office wont hurt anybody like glass pinata said they will probably ask you to bring in a stool sample and be able to eliminate any doubt almost straight away. People say don't get checked out it feeds the anxiety which is true but any normal person without anxiety who saw what they thought was blood in their stool would be a little concerned. I wish you all the best take care

25-01-17, 17:53
I went to the doctors this morning and I almost feel more concerned.

They took my temperature and it was slightly elevated - 100.8. And when the doctor came in to see me, he did a rectal exam and didn't see any fissures or hemorrhoids. :ohmy:

But, they did a CBC and my RBC and WBC counts were both normal which he said was good.

However, he said that me having the fever was concerning and now I'm freaking out. He said that at the moment, he didn't feel a colonoscopy was needed, but if it persists for another 3-4 weeks to come back and they will evaluate me. I'm frustrated and scared at the same time.

25-01-17, 18:46
If the doctor had any worry that there was something amiss he would have arranged a colonoscopy right away. The fever is nothing to worry about, it could be down to the stress.

I know it's frustrating and stressful but hang in there :)

26-01-17, 01:02
I went to the doctors this morning and I almost feel more concerned.

They took my temperature and it was slightly elevated - 100.8. And when the doctor came in to see me, he did a rectal exam and didn't see any fissures or hemorrhoids. :ohmy:

But, they did a CBC and my RBC and WBC counts were both normal which he said was good.

However, he said that me having the fever was concerning and now I'm freaking out. He said that at the moment, he didn't feel a colonoscopy was needed, but if it persists for another 3-4 weeks to come back and they will evaluate me. I'm frustrated and scared at the same time.

Any blood in stool should be checked out. And just because they don't feel hemmoroids does not mean they are not there. I was bleeding with thin stools constipation and gas/rumbling in my stomach. I got checked for hemmoroids twice by two different doctors. They did colonscopy and all they found was nonspecific rectal Inflammation and minor hemmoroids. No polyps no ulcer colitis or anything. I don't have to have another colonscopy for 10 years.

I have so much knowledge on this subject now. I do feel I could be a GI doctor haha. Moral of story of you have blood get it checked out just don't assume. And colon cancer is rare under the age of 50 and most bleeding is not cancer.

26-01-17, 01:06
I have so much knowledge on this subject now. I do feel I could be a GI doctor haha. Moral of story of you have blood get it checked out just don't assume. And colon cancer is rare under the age of 50 and most bleeding is not cancer.

Could not have said it better.
It's probably not blood, and even if it is, it's probably from a hemmorhoid or fissure. Most colo-rectal cancer happens after 50- here they don't even screen for it until a much older age.
Probably ALL of us have had blood (or something that looked like blood) in their stool.
Show of hands.../ :whistles:

26-01-17, 01:12
Could not have said it better.
It's probably not blood, and even if it is, it's probably from a hemmorhoid or fissure. Most colo-rectal cancer happens after 50- here they don't even screen for it until a much older age.
Probably ALL of us have had blood (or something that looked like blood) in their stool.
Show of hands.../ :whistles:

Yeah I would know I spent last quarter of 2016 worried over this and studying it. My grandma me even had colon cancer back in early 90's at age of 42. Well what my mom told me they think that is where it started. I had colonscopy on dec 17th last year and I am 32 years old and I was petrified of knowing I had colon cancer. I was 99.9% sure and I had every symptom besides vomiting which would really only happen if you had complete blockage. But my colonscopy came out clean and ever sense then I don't worry about my bowel movements and my system is much better when I'm not worried about it. Sad part is my anxiety shifted to something else.

But if you get a colonscopy and they find nothing move on you don't have colon cancer. They are visually looking and know what it looks like. Plus you get pictures of your colon which my gf thought was really gross but it's really crazy how clean your colon looks when your cleaned completely out lol.

26-01-17, 01:21
"Courtesy Flush": When taking a poo, a "courtesy flush" is reaching back to flush before you can examine the contents of the bowl.

To help eliminate the anxiety of discovering something that would invoke anxiety it's best to just flush before you wipe.

Besides, examining poo (and some really examine their poo!), some actually examine their poo "in more detail" :ohmy:

Those that have poo obsessions, please utilize the "Courtesy Flush" :D

Positive thoughts and poo threads

26-01-17, 01:24
"Courtesy Flush": When taking a poo, a "courtesy flush" is reaching back to flush before you can examine the contents of the bowl.

To help eliminate the anxiety of discovering something that would invoke anxiety it's best to just flush before you wipe.

Besides, examining poo (and some really examine their poo!), some actually examine their poo "in more detail" :ohmy:

Those that have poo obsessions, please utilize the "Courtesy Flush" :D

Positive thoughts and poo threads

I'm not saying this wouldn't benefit most with anxiety it really would but there is a lot you can tell from your stools. If there is blood get it checked out. If you don't see blood and your still getting anxious about your bowel movements then yes please do as fisherman said flush and maybe only look at it once a month or something.

26-01-17, 01:31
there is a lot you can tell from your stools

I agree... they smell and for 99% of anxiety sufferers, it's best to utilize the "Courtesy Flush".

Positive thoughts

26-01-17, 01:34
I agree... they smell and for 99% of anxiety sufferers, it's best to utilize the "Courtesy Flush".

Positive thoughts

True. Most have nothing wrong with them.

26-01-17, 01:40
True. Most have nothing wrong with them.


Positive thoughts

27-01-17, 03:39
Man I've shat out horrifying amounts of blood before and im ok. Black stool is the bad stuff. Bright red is normally localized tear of some sort. The tissue down there is super sensitive.

27-01-17, 03:42
Me too. Tons and tons of blood. Still alive and don't have cancer

04-02-17, 12:27
Hello again,

I thought I would just post a little update. So, I went to the doctors on January 25th, and of course, from the 24th, up until yesterday, I saw NO red in my stool at all. But, of course, this morning I woke up and used the toilet and saw two large streaks of red on the stool.

But, last night, I ate a personal pizza (quite a large one), that had roasted red peppers and sliced tomatoes on it - along with the cheese, etc.

Now, the color of the red is the same as it has always been - that's why I'm worried again. Because if it wasn't blood, wouldn't it be a different color? I totally forgot about my bowel problems and that's why I ate that pizza. But, I couldn't tell if it was blood or if it was from the food because it looked exactly like before.

chatty girl
04-02-17, 14:14
If you look at my posts I've been going through bowel cancer hell.

Chances are its either the tomatoes or pepper, i always get tomato in my poo, used to scare the life out of me but I know what it is now.


04-02-17, 14:25
Yes probably tomato or pepper skin. Remember your body doesn't digest insoluble fiber

04-02-17, 18:19
I've had the same. Been bleeding so bad sometimes I've needed to wear a sanitry pad. As other have said, bright red usually points to a tear or cut in the back passage. Black is the colour that can mean something serious. Red blood is fresh blood :)

And I had a full load of tests when I was bleeding. Had a huuuuge tear that needed some special cream. Cleared up a treat but I still sometimes rip it open again

06-02-17, 16:33
It's just, why does this have to happen to me? :(

My mom keeps saying that she knows I'm fine - she calls it her mother's intuition. But, I think I'm going to make a follow up appointment on Friday and request a colonoscopy. The one thing that has been keeping me from making the follow up appointment is the fear that they will actually find a tumor if I get a colonoscopy. Not embarrassment - nothing embarrasses me at all.

I keep reading these stories online about people who were young like me and they think "no, not me...I don't have cancer I'm too young." And it turns out they have colon cancer.

I didn't see any red spots in my stool yesterday or today though.