View Full Version : Pregabalin?

10-01-17, 15:32
Hi all,
I have noticed a lot of good reviews of ppl taking pregablin and just wanted to know how easy is it to get prescribed it in the UK and whats your views on it? I have been on various ssri and snri but yet to be rid of the anxiety.

10-01-17, 15:46
I had to pay to see a private psychiatrist to get it prescribed to me, my GP says their practice don't prescribe it at all , but after trying various AD's over the years and reading up on it I pushed for it.
Been on it it for 4 months alongside another AD, it has helped, but I have kind of slumped so looking to maybe up the dose from the lowish 200mg I am on.
There are lots of good stories of it, but it is very expensive which puts some GP's off. The pregabalin section in the medication section has lots info and peoples experiences of it. Some GPs seem happier to prescribe it than others

10-01-17, 15:50
My doctor and I talked about this for nerve pain I have from cancer treatment side effects but I stuck with gabapentin as the side effects have been negligible and it's WAY cheaper.

There's a sub-forum (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/forumdisplay.php?f=90) in the meds section that might have more information for you.

Positive thoughts

10-01-17, 17:33
I was on pregabalin a few years ago, I found it really helpful, the GP wasn't too keen to prescribe it but did eventually as the other meds I had tried didn't help. The only side effect I had was a bit of weight gain , other than that no problems, i also found it fairly easy to come off.