View Full Version : Stress related? Please help!

10-01-17, 16:13
Hi guys

I've been a severe health anxiety sufferer for many years on a fairly bearable scale and probably the last couple of years at an altogether more serious level. I'm talking multiple heart beat checks (heart attack is my biggest fear), blood pressure checking, not going out for fear of collapsing somewhere and other general OCD like checking. The reason for my ramp up in symptoms was when my wife was diagnosed with primary breast cancer and its remained at a high level since. Just before Christmas we got some really shitty news and my wife's cancer has spread to her bones which is incurable. Obviously we felt a lot of stress from this diagnosis but we were coping (her a LOT better than me) but in the build up to her CT scan my stress levels went through the roof. I was obviously expecting the absolute worse and terrified about bringing our child up on my own as a widow in the very near future (we're only young, in our thirties). As it goes the cancer hasn't spread to any organs which is the best possible news in the relative circumstances but the day after I woke up with intense anxiety which lasted all day long. I've not felt it that bad since I briefly had a course of fluoxetine which completely wiped me out mentally. The last two days since then I have been absolutely wiped out, like about to collapse tired. I'm managing to function but feeling just terrible.

My question I guess is could this be brought on by the stress of what's going on and waiting for the CT results? I just feel exhausted and drained mentally, emotionally and physically. Has anyone else experienced similar?

10-01-17, 16:18
Yes, it is all a result of the stress you have been under.

It is ok to feel like this, and do not make yourself feel worse by wishing you didnt feel this way. It has been a difficult time, and it sounds like you are coping, albeit with a lot of stress involved too.

My advice:
Rest at regular intervals. Take 5 minutes here and there to just let go of everything.
Make sure you eat well and drink well.
Do not try and fight the anxiety, you are under stress, just let it be.
Be there for your wife, and focus on her 100%.

10-01-17, 17:50
It's definitely related.

Hope your wife starts feeling better soon!

10-01-17, 18:13
This is definitely stress sweetie. I am so sorry to hear about your Wife's cancer metastasizing

10-01-17, 18:20
I've been dealing with a similar situation in that my wife has been dealing with a very severe illness for the last 5 months and the outlook/prognosis long term are very discouraging. I can tell you first hand the physical ramifications of the stress have been taking their toll on me physically and mentally. From weight loss to sleeplessness to chest pain to you name it, I've had it.

Thing is, I know it's stress related. Thank goodness for Xanax!

Best wishes and as always....

Positive thoughts

11-01-17, 23:23
I'm so sorry to read the things you're going through :(

100% yes, I think it is to do with what you're experiencing. I lost someone close to me over a year ago and during the weeks after, I felt absolutely horrendous. Felt constantly weak and wobbly, like I was going to drop all the time. Went to doc, who said exhaustion was on the cards, caused by stress, anxiety and, ulitmately... loss.

Be kind to yourself.

Sending you lots of good vibes x

13-01-17, 17:13
Thanks everyone for the replies!

I probably already knew that it was a reaction to the stress but my anxious mind has to fill in the blanks and look further into things than is needed. To be fair we've hit a bit of a lull regarding my wife where we're waiting for tests and such so until February we've just got to sit tight. I think I've just transferred my worry about my other half inwards to myself in order to use the feelings I've got stored away in my mind. I also overlooked the fact I haven't had a proper night's sleep since we found out which is nearly coming up to a month. Bloody stress responses!