View Full Version : stabbing headache over eyebrow

10-01-17, 18:54
Anyone else dealing with these. What causes them?? I always assume the worst. I just took two Advils so hoping that will help a bit. Could it be a trigger point in my neck? I know I've had these before (but more in my temple area). A few muscle relaxers and it went away.

10-01-17, 23:45
Have you got ice-pick headaches? I remember Googling them and reading they're very hard to treat which worried me - until I read why they're very hard to treat - they clear up before medication has time to act! :doh:

11-01-17, 01:40
Possibly. Now my headache seems to throb when I look down on the computer and then look up. I turned quickly and it started to ache briefly and then went away. Is this a bad sign? I worry about brain tumors :-)

11-01-17, 03:05
This sounds to me like a sinus headache. You have sinus cavities above each eye brow. The headache also gets worse with changes in position. I get them when my allergies get bad. Do you have any allergies?

11-01-17, 04:39
I get a pain on my eye brow area when I have a tense neck or have been clenching my jaw/teeth all day

11-01-17, 05:00
It's in the area that people usually get ice pick headaches. It could also be your sinuses, as Lily mentioned.

When I have these, it helps me if I take some ibuprofen, then take a hot shower followed by lying down with a cold cloth on my head.

If the muscle relaxers made it go away, it was most likely ice pick instead of sinuses...especially if you're having no other sinus issues.

11-01-17, 13:53
I hope it's a sinus headache and not anything serious
I have so many issues lately. Whatever it was, it is not there this morning . If it comes on later, does that mean it's tension related and not anything sinister? I just don't know when it's appropriate to go to the ER anymore.

11-01-17, 19:22
Headaches are very rarely anything to go the the ER for...