View Full Version : Dvt??

10-01-17, 19:21
Someone please put my mind at ease. I've currently got aching in both of my legs. It's mainly in my calf muscles. I've taken paracetamol but it doesn't seem to be helping. I mentioned it to someone and they said "could it be dvt?" so obviously now I'm convinced I'm going to be dead by the morning.

10-01-17, 19:55
I'm currently going through the same thing. From what I've read online (I know), DVT in both legs is very rare. So, I don't exactly know how to calm you down because I don't know how to calm myself down, but I hope it helps.

10-01-17, 19:57

I think with the pain being in the same place in both your legs then it's probably muscular. Have you been walking or cycling recently or done any other from of exercise?.


10-01-17, 21:30
You'd have other symptoms with a DVT like swelling etc.

Just because someone mentioned it doesn't mean you have it. If you weren't worried before you shouldn't be now. Also it'd be very rare to have a DVT in both legs at the same time. :)

10-01-17, 23:24
Thank you all for your replies. I know I'm being silly! I haven't got any other symptoms of dvt. Although now and again I do get pains in random parts of my leg, almost like a pulsing pain :/