View Full Version : Mole sometimes itches, I'm stressed

11-01-17, 03:17
I have a mole on my arm and every now and again it itches. Like maybe once or twice a day...
I've had it checked a couple of times and they said it didn't look like anything to be concerned about. I accidentally picked it off once and now it grew back but a little bit bigger. It's symmetrical, and I think it's all the same colour (like there isn't a huge variation it's just maybe a tiny bit of darker brown in the middle) and the edges are quite sharp and not blurred.

Is this normal? Does anyone else get this occasional itching? I'm still scared it's melanoma.

18-01-17, 00:23
I just recently had a huge scare with melanoma. On my hip i had a weird shaped mole. It wasn't symmetrical and it was different colors. I went to a derm and he said it was suspicious and needed to be removed right away. That was a fun time. They removed it and sent it off for a biopsy. It turns out that it was actually a little blood vessel that had bursted or something and not a thing to worry about. Moles are pretty common. If your still worried about it maybe stop at a derm to have it looked at. Sometimes they just look at it and say nothing suspicous there. Sometimes they want a biopsy. It all depends on the situation. Good luck

18-01-17, 21:50
Hi I had amole on my face next to my nose had it as long as I can remember then out of the blue it started itching doc said it didn't look suspicious but referedme to plastic surgeon because it was on my face and he removed it I also asked him to remove one on the back of my neck and I keptcatching it when I brushed my hair so he did he did amazing job no scarring what so ever and no melanoma just thought I would share that with you.