View Full Version : Root Canal Next Week .. So SCARED!!

11-01-17, 07:20
Today I went to my dentist for tooth pain and I'll be needing a root canal! I've had fillings done in the past, but they are always so hard for me to get through. I get the racing heart, nausea and passing out feeling every time I need dental work done. It's not the fear of the actual dentist or pain that triggers the panic feelings, but more the feeling of having to sit still and the pressure of being "normal" throughout the procedure.

Since a root canal is much longer than a regular filling, I am so nervous I won't be able to handle it and that I'll panic really badly. I also hate the numbing sensation of the novocaine stuff they shoot into your mouth! I go next week after I finish a round of antibiotics and I'm already a mess over the whole thing. Any words of advice from fellow anxiety suffers on how they cope at the dentist? Thanks for listening!

11-01-17, 08:14
I've had one root canal. I had similar worries before mine too but when I finally went through it I was surprisingly calm. You might feel calm when you go through it too. You'll be laying back for a little while so try to make yourself comfortable in the beginning. Once the novocaine hits you won't feel any pain, so you'll just need to hang in there till it's done.

11-01-17, 14:19
Dental work sucks. I had a root canal last year and I was extremely nervous as well, like you. To be honest, it wasn't all that worse than getting a regular filling. Just try to lie down and relax. Can you listen to some music? My dentist always has the radio on so I just try to focus on the music.

It helps if you have a nice dentist as well. Mine explains what she is doing and is very calming. I don't know if this would help you, but you could tell your dentist you're very nervous and ask him to tell you what s/he's doing.

Good luck!

11-01-17, 14:57
My wife just had one done. Other than the needles for numbing, she felt no pain and it only took a short time.

Positive thoughts

11-01-17, 16:05
I had one a few years ago and like others have mentioned it's not really that bad. I did have what felt like a toothache for a short while after but other than that it was fine.
I don't like the numbness either.

bin tenn
11-01-17, 16:51
I've had several over the years and not once did I have any issues/pain. Not bad at all, IMO.

11-01-17, 17:22
I had one done last year (well a red-done) it lasted 10 years the first one, I had a huge infection which was picked up by a ray I could see there was a problem was on the xray because my dentist asked me.

Mine was done in one slot 75 minutes long, my dentist was very kind she gave me a pillow so if I wanted to could have a quick nap.

11-01-17, 23:37
Wow you guys are so kind to take the time to reassure me and respond! I'm not feeling as anxious today about it all but I'm sure next week will be a different story. My dentist is planning on getting it all done in one slot too like you did unsure_about_this, because he understands how hard it is just for me to get into his office!! I'll update you guys after it's all done and hopefully the worse case scenarios that keep replaying in my mind won't happen!

12-01-17, 16:08
Dentists have always been really stressful for me. My advice would be to ask your dentist if you could listen to some music or a podcast to distract you. My dentist always lets me have my ipod plugged in. It helps when I have some calming music that I love to distract me and make it so that I can't hear any drills or anything.

12-01-17, 18:27
Naaah don't feel nervous at all by time you know it it'll be over its not that scary at all when I had my root canal last year I was a nervous wreck that I vomited before leaving the house yet I felt most relaxed while I was going through the procedure. I was also booked in separately for a filling on another tooth but I ended up having the filling straight after the root canal than an hour later I was putting up a window blind :)

18-01-17, 03:51
Well tomorrow is the big day! I did something stupid and read about adverse reactions to the novacaine (anethestic) they give people to numb them up. I'm so scared I will have a reaction and end up passing out or dying! I don't know why I always scare myself by googling things .. after all these years with health anxiety, you would think I would know better. :blush:

I will bring my headphones and try to distract myself .. I'm also going to ask for the numbing stuff without the Epinephrine since that usually makes my heart race and freaks me out more. I just want to get this over with because it's all I've been thinking about for a week now. I will keep you guys updated!

18-01-17, 19:42
It's over!! :yahoo: The actual root canal didn't hurt one bit.. neither did getting the injections. The worst part for me was all mental. Just constant thoughts of "what if I panic" and trying to stay clam. A few tips that helped me get through this appointment in case anyone else is worrying about an upcoming dental visit:

1. Took an Ativan (tranquilizer) an hour before the appointment. This probably helped me the most and actually allowed me to get in the car and leave my house lol!

2. Had headphones and listened to a calming podcast with positive affirmations. Some people find music just as soothing.

3. Wore very loose and comfortable clothes so I wouldn't feel constricted and stuffy.

4. Took my mom with me .. having someone there for extra support was really nice!

5. Was honest with the dentist and staff about my fears (even if they were very irrational) and told them how nervous I was feeling. They were very kind and comforting which helped me a lot.

I was in the chair for 3 hours and although the panic would try to sneak up I would just keep focusing on my breathing and listened to my podcast. I am so tired and my mouth is very sore feeling but overall I'm happy that I bit the bullet and didn't cancel! Hope this thread is helpful for anyone else that needs to get a root canal in the future. Feel free to message me if you have any questions!

18-01-17, 19:45
Good Job! :yesyes:

Positive thoughts