View Full Version : Was It My Fault??????

12-04-07, 22:49
Hi Everyone

Im a mess tonight......police knocked my door and my alkie cousin is in a specialist burns unit in a critical condition with 50 % burns!!!!

Some nasty people have been threatining him for ages now and last night they broke into his flat and doused him in petrol and set fire to him!!!

He is a little disabled chap and the hospital dont think he will live!

I begged him to go to the police over the threats but he wouldent.......I feel I should have done something but not sure what and now he might die and I feel its all my fault!!!!

I cant stop crying

Luv Kaz x x :hugs:

12-04-07, 22:54
This is a truly terrible thing that has happened Kazzie love and I hardly know what to say.

The only thing I can say for certain is that it is not your fault - I totally understand your distress over this mate but please don't add guilt to it, as that would be wholly innapropriate.

I feel very sad that such a thing could have happened and I don't understand it at all.

Big hugs my sweet.:hugs:


12-04-07, 22:56
Oh Kazzie, I was so sad to read this and really feel for you and your poor cousin :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: What a terrible thing to have happened.

I agree with Piglet though that none of this was your fault in any way at all.

Thinking of you at this difficult time :hugs:

Lisa x

12-04-07, 23:01
praying for you both

love jodie x

12-04-07, 23:07
Thanks piglet lisa and jodie

sorry the typing is crap but still cant see thro the tears!!

love you all

kaz :hugs:

12-04-07, 23:24
Hi Kazzie

Im so sorry to hear of this too !!!!

There are some realy nasty people, it makes you wonder what this world is coming to !

Please dont blame yourself hun !! Its not your fault.

I hope they catch these culprits and give them what they deserve !

Sending you lots of HUGS Kazzie ! And thinking of you too.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:



12-04-07, 23:29
They have charged someone with attempted murder....... OMG I cant cope with this

Thanks for the support all

Kaz x x :hugs:

12-04-07, 23:54
So sorry Kazzie, Dont blame yourself there was nothing you could do to avoid this, the police wouldnt have listened to you if he got threatened they do nothing until something happens, And if you had gone to the Police and then he got attacked you would have thought it was your fault for telling the police. Anyway its good thy have them who done it, and I fully understand your guilt the same happened to me when my son nearly died last year on holiday, As you know he was in Las Vegas, we got a phone call saying he wouldnt last 48 hours, me nor the wife had a passport and we felt so bad and at blame. Realy hope he recovers Kazz but in no way are you to blame. Take care Kazz, Vernon

13-04-07, 00:16
Hey Kaz, don't blame yourself. You couldn't have prevented this and from what you've said in the past, you have been there for him when no one else was. You can't be responsible for the actions of others so keep that in mind and be there for him when he's in recovery.

Kay x

13-04-07, 00:20
Im So Sorry Kazzie.
Love Debera

13-04-07, 00:36
Im so sorry Kazz,its no way your fault.You have always been there for him Kazz.
Big Hug:bighug: Thinking of you

13-04-07, 00:48
i almost can't believe what you've wrote... what an absolutely terrible thing to happen... when something bad happens we always wanna try and find the blame but its certainly not you... those monsters are the only ones to blame here... i really hope your cousin is ok... sending you lots of hugs x x x

13-04-07, 02:09
Kazzie hun have a great big hug :hugs: dont blame yourself hun :hugs: xxx

13-04-07, 02:53
Kazz I am so sorry to hear this, there are some complete b*****ds out there, under no circumstances blame yourself mate this is something that you just had no control over, if you need me even if it is to vent or have a good cry remember I am only a phone call away and here if you need me.

Lots of Love

Trac xxxxx

13-04-07, 09:45
Sorry to hear this Kaz, hope you managed to grab some sleep. Don't blame yourself - you can only do so much for others. Hope your cousing had a good night.

13-04-07, 10:01
Kazzie :hugs:

I am truly shocked and upset to hear your news.
My thoughts are with you and your poor cousin at this time.
I can't believe things like that really happen to people - it's so unbelievable.
It was not your fault hun, the only ones to blame are the evil ones who did this. You are not to blame at all.

Big hugs to you and your cousin. I hope he is doing well.

Love and hugs from shoegal xxx

13-04-07, 10:45
I'me so sorry to hear your bad news Kazzie.
What a terrible thing to happen, no wonder your in bits.
Don't blame yourself its not your fault.
Thinking of you and your cousin.
Take care:hugs: :hugs:


13-04-07, 16:41
Thanks Everyone:hugs:

Well he is having another operation at the moment so no real news yet he is still critical!!!

The 17 year old who did it is still in police custody but not been charged yet

I have been to his flat to get the cat and dog as they are being cared for at a local animal home the cat wouldent come tho so gotta go back for her!!!

The flat is all taped off with a policeman on guard so we cant go in for the time being!!

I got knobbled by the press so those of you who live near southampton will probably see the story in tommorows echo or mondays

Just waiting now for news from the hospital or the police

Thanks again all of you:hugs:

Luv Kaz x x x

13-04-07, 17:13
Hi Kaz, I live in fareham and watch meridian news so maybe they will mention it ? I read your post this morning and just didnt know what to say ?

How on earth anyone could do such a horrific crime is beyond me, I really pray your cousin will be ok and those responsible will get their punishment.

Remember to look after yourself Kaz.


13-04-07, 18:02
That is so awful Kazzie, i send you lots of hugs and support. I agree with the others, not your fault at all. But will have to stay strong for his recovery now. xx:hugs:

13-04-07, 18:13
Kaz just seen it on the news "meridian", it was saying that the person who done it may of been on drugs and that they had a 17 year old in custody.
Hopefully they will charge him soon.

13-04-07, 23:31
Kazzie - no way was this your fault. You have been there looking out for him and caring for him when no one else would and he was unwilling/unable to care for himself.

The person responsible is the one who carried out the attack.

Sending you lots of hugs :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Karen xx

14-04-07, 00:07
Thank dont know what to say to you all

You have all been a rock to me just been on chat and the whole lot of you are sooooooo sweet

Dont know what to say

Thank you all


14-04-07, 09:30
Kazzie :hugs:

I was so sorry to hear your news kaz, im totally shocked at how awful this is.

Thinking of you both loads and praying it turns out ok. You cant blame yourself hun you did nothing wrong.

Stay strong. :hugs:

Take care
Julie xx

14-04-07, 17:03
Thanks again all

Well he is still hanging in there in a medically induced coma having another big op tomm

The person that did it has not yet been charged but has been remanded in custody for other offences and is back in court on monday by which time the police hope they will be able to charge him

Im still shocked and feeling awful

It was on the front page of the paper today too

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

14-04-07, 17:51

I am so so sorry to read this news mate.

Sending you loads of hugs and hope there is good news from the hospital soon for you. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

14-04-07, 17:53
Hi Kazz

Just to let you know i am still thinking of you and your family! And sending you all HUGS.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:



14-04-07, 17:57
I have just read this thread and I am appalled at the sickness and badness of some people.
no way on this earth were you to blame in any way for this hunny.
I hope your poor cousin is ok.
small consolation that they have someone in custody.
sending you hugs and good thoughts kazzie
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

14-04-07, 20:17
Thanks Nic Honey and Happy :hugs:

Bit of good news the cat trap we borrowed worked and we now have 1 tabby cat in "custody" lol:yesyes:

Feeling more positive tonight:yesyes:

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

14-04-07, 20:55
Kazzie, I know you well, you have a good heart, that is why you blame yourself,but please don't, truth is you have always done your level best and you can't do any more.

My thoughts are with you, take care.

Dave xxx:flowers:

14-04-07, 20:59
Hugs its NOT your fault. no one is to blame for it apart for the people who did this to your cousin *hugs* you and your cousin are in my thoughts xxx

14-04-07, 22:29
BIG HUG KAZZ:bighug:

14-04-07, 22:39
Thanks Dave Jit and Ellen:hugs:

Well had some better news tonight cos he has lasted thus far the hospital are now saying he has a fair chance of living:yesyes:

However they are also saying he will soon be very poorly cos he will get an infection cos his burns are so severe but not to lose hope

Thank you all for the kind wishes and prayers.......looks like they are starting to work:yesyes:

Luv Kaz x x x

14-04-07, 22:45
I'm so glad to hear that things are starting to look better for him Kaz.


Lisa x

15-04-07, 00:10
Thanks lisa:hugs:

Hope you are feeling a bit better sorry I havent been posting much!!!!

Kaz x x x

15-04-07, 08:46
Hi Kazzie,

have only just read this. What a terrible thing to have happened. No-oe deserves this and the fact that someone could do this to another person is shocking! Its in no way your fault, as everyone else has said. It sounds as if your a real support to him...he's lucky to have you.

Sending lots of positive thoughts to you.

remember to take care of you also.

luv Coni X

15-04-07, 10:20
Only just read your thread Kazzie, I am so sorry and my thoughts and best wishes are with you and your cousin. Loads and Loads of love and hugs, Lindy xxxxxxxx

15-04-07, 14:58
Thanks Coni and Lindi:hugs:

Today is not so good.....he has taken a turn for the worse his veins have collapsed and his lungs are full of fluid......I just keep bursting into tears

Luv Kaz x x x

15-04-07, 16:32
Awww Kaz, so sorry to hear that.

Thinking of you and your cousin :hugs:

Lisa x

15-04-07, 16:40
Oh Kaz,

I am so sorry he is not doing so well at the moment. I will think positive thoughts for him hunny.


15-04-07, 16:51
Kazzie, I will be praying for your cousin and you.

15-04-07, 21:14

I will be praying too.

Love shoegal xxx

15-04-07, 21:22

15-04-07, 22:08

Love Piglet xxxx

15-04-07, 22:48
Thank you all so much:hugs:

Ive had an awful day that flippin seasons in the sun record came on the radio reminded me of when me and him were kids been in bits ever since!!!!

Had some mates round today they were sweet and did best to cheer me up bless em!!!!

Anyhow latest from hospital is no change BUT he is still with us:yesyes:

Will post soon

Love you all:hugs:

Kaz x x x:hugs:

16-04-07, 01:19
Still thinking of you Kazzie :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Karen xx

16-04-07, 12:28
thinking of you kazzie hun!!! Sendin loads of hugs your way!!!:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

16-04-07, 12:30
Hi Kazz

Just wanted to send you some hugs
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

16-04-07, 14:02
Thinking of you and your cousin kazz.:hugs:
Take care hun. xxxx

16-04-07, 20:23
Thanks Everyone:hugs:

His kidneys are failing now:weep:

I just dont know what to do with myself:shrug:

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

16-04-07, 22:16
Kaz hunny
I am still thinking of you and your cousin
what a horrific time for you hun.

17-04-07, 02:28
Dear Kazzie

Im so sorry you are going through such a terrible situation, its very difficult to know what to say to you.

you can not take the blame for this, the guilt and feelings you are enduring will make you ill. You could not of stopped this from happening, it sounds like something that would of happened anyway. People can be so nasty.

try to stay strong, you can pm me at anytime if you need to talk.
((((((((((((((((((((big hugs caming your way))))))))))))))))))))))):hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Take care of you

17-04-07, 07:03

Still thinking of you, and praying for you. :flowers:

Love and big hugs from shoegal xxx

17-04-07, 08:13
Still thinking of you Kaz. Wish I could find some words that would help.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Lisa x

18-04-07, 17:31
Mike passed away at 11.55 this morning

Thank you all for your love and prayers

Kaz x x x :hugs:

18-04-07, 17:34
I just replied on your other (hugs) post about this, but I truly am so sorry for your loss Kaz :hugs:

Lisa x

18-04-07, 17:37

I am so sorry. I am thinking of you and your family at this sad time.

Lots of love and hugs, shoegal xxx

18-04-07, 18:12
Kazzie, I'm so sorry. Words can't say anything at a time like this but you are in my thoughts and prayers.

18-04-07, 18:20
Sorry to hear your loss Kazzie. I'm thinking of you :hugs:

Karen xx

18-04-07, 18:24
Sorry to hear that Kaz, thinking of you.

Kay x

18-04-07, 19:39
Thanks Guys:hugs:

Kaz x x x

18-04-07, 20:36
thinking of you at this sad time hun


18-04-07, 20:47
Oh Kaz,
I am so so sorry hunny.


18-04-07, 22:05
Hi Kazzie Only just read your post havent been on here much been so busy. So sorry to hear about your cousin and i agree with what everyone says its not your fault and dont blame yourself. Take care
Love Annexx

18-04-07, 23:27
Oh Kazzie :weep: .

Piglet xx

19-04-07, 07:36
So very sorry, Kazzy :weep:


19-04-07, 10:49
my thoughts are with you at this awful time...
look after yourself and take plenty of "me" time.
sending you lots of hugs

19-04-07, 11:17
Kazz im so sorry hun. Dont know what to say.
Im here if you need anything hun.
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

19-04-07, 11:39
Kazzie, Im so sorry to read that your cousin has passed away, I cant imagine what you and your family are going thru, but just want you to know that I am thinking of you at this sad time and that you have no blame in any of this, please dont be so hard on yourself.
take care

19-04-07, 11:47
Kazzie , i am only new to this forum , so so sorry to hear of your cousins death , , heartfelt wishs to you and your family at this sad time ,

God bless, Rip

19-04-07, 14:41
Dear Kazzie,oh my god hun,there are no words hun:weep: how awful for your cousine Mike and you too hun.My thought and prayers are with you hun i am soooo sorry for all this pain you and your family are suffering:lac: This is an appalling comment on todays society that people can commit such atrocities.Love to you and yours Kazzie.Love Paddie.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

19-04-07, 14:44
Thank You All:hugs:

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

19-04-07, 19:50
There are no words that can take away what you're feeling, but please know that I am here if ever you need me. I am so, so sorry.

19-04-07, 19:59
Thanks Tina:hugs:

Was nice to see you in chat tonight sorry I dident chat much but was just enjoying the normality:yesyes:

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

19-04-07, 20:43
Kaz :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: xxx

little mutt
19-04-07, 21:02
Kazzie I'm so sorry, that is the most awful thing to do to another human being, those people must be truly sick. Please don't blame yourself, he is going to need you to stay strong so that you can help him through this.
Take care
Love Little Mutt x :hugs:

20-04-07, 20:43

So sorry to hear your news, it most definetly wasnt your fault it was a sick thing to do and I hope that the perputrator does get his just rewards


20-04-07, 20:59
:hugs: Thanks all

Well doc has given me diazipam now so feel a bit better:yesyes:

They wont release his body yet at least 2 weeks ive been told

So in a state of limbo really

they will know next week results of forensics and they will charge the guy if they can

Will keep ya posted

Luv Kaz x xx:hugs:

20-04-07, 21:00
:hugs: Is all I can think of to give you hunny.


20-04-07, 21:02
Thinking of you kazzie!!

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


20-04-07, 21:11
Thanks honey and happy:hugs:

Luv Kaz x x x

20-04-07, 22:30
oooh kaz
Ive just read all this thred, hunni its so awful.
Keep strong you and all your family, what a awful evil thing to happen.
im thinking of you sweetheart take good care hunni xxxx
luv tracie xxx

20-04-07, 22:32
Thanks Trac:hugs:

Luv Kaz x x x