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View Full Version : Should I stop worrying

11-01-17, 15:22
Hi I've been really anxious this week had lots of aches and pains some in chest some burning spots and general anxiety I have had 3 ecgs in the last six days all completely normal should I stop worrying about heart and can anxiety cause pains

11-01-17, 15:28
I have had 3 ecgs in the last six days all completely normal should I stop worrying

Do you want to worry?

If the answer is no, then you can stop worrying. Otherwise yes, carry on worrying.

11-01-17, 16:04
Anxiety can cause all sorts of aches and pains, anywhere in the body. Believe me, I'm speaking from experience here!!
You had 3 normal ecgs. To answer your question, YES, you should stop worrying. If you get the all clear with any medical test it's definitely time to let it go and get on with your life. I know it's easier said than done at times, but keep telling yourself that you're fine physically and the anxiety will soon pass......

11-01-17, 22:59
Yes, please stop worrying :) Anx can cause SO many things - all of them psychosomatic. If you've had the medical all clear, you're physically fine. Be kind to yourself and let yourself off the hook on this one x