View Full Version : going to the doctor today- nervous

11-01-17, 17:39
I'm finally going to the doctor today to discuss my shortness of breath and skipped beats. I am going to tell her I've been so anxious over all of this. I'll report back. Please wish me luck. I'm super nervous. I can't take feeling like this.

Clydesdale Epona
11-01-17, 17:42
Good luck i hope all goes well for you x

11-01-17, 18:37
Thank you. I'll report back.

11-01-17, 23:32
Good luck man! I'm sure you'll be fine. Our minds & hearts play tricks on us.

11-01-17, 23:38
Good luck, hope things go well!

11-01-17, 23:40
I just got back from the doctor. I am still feeling short of breath. My oxygen levels were good 97-98%, so she said I am clearing getting enough oxygen. My EKG was totally normal and my lungs sound fine. She is doing a thyroid blood test to rule out any thyroid problems. So why do I feel out of breath??? It is because I can't focus on anything else other than this?? Yesterday, I had a headache and was so focused on that that I ignored my breathing!! Can anyone else relate?

11-01-17, 23:42
There are times where I notice my breath too much and it gets wonky - like I stop breathing or hold my breath even though I don't mean to, then end up gasping. My husband laughs at me saying he doesn't know anybody who forgets to breathe or holds their breath by accident. I think if it goes away when you are distracted, it could be something similar.

13-01-17, 02:45
It's always nice to hear about a check-up that's gone well! :)

If your shortness of breath is caused by anxiety you need to fix your breathing technique otherwise you'll end up like me:) - I have constant slight numbness, mild tingling and weird vibrations - all caused by long-term shallow breathing caused by anxiety.

13-01-17, 02:56
I just got back from the doctor. I am still feeling short of breath. My oxygen levels were good 97-98%, so she said I am clearing getting enough oxygen. My EKG was totally normal and my lungs sound fine. She is doing a thyroid blood test to rule out any thyroid problems. So why do I feel out of breath??? It is because I can't focus on anything else other than this?? Yesterday, I had a headache and was so focused on that that I ignored my breathing!! Can anyone else relate?

I'm sure others can relate. In fact a search as I suggested will yield page and pages of similar posts. The main point is, you're physically fine. Mentally is another story. You need to address your real illness (anxiety) and learn ways to cope and counter the mental aspects so you can move past these issues. Once you start doing that, the physical symptoms that are being caused by your anxiety will abate.

Good luck and as always...

Positive thoughts

13-01-17, 16:56
I just got back from the doctor. I am still feeling short of breath. My oxygen levels were good 97-98%, so she said I am clearing getting enough oxygen. My EKG was totally normal and my lungs sound fine. She is doing a thyroid blood test to rule out any thyroid problems. So why do I feel out of breath??? It is because I can't focus on anything else other than this?? Yesterday, I had a headache and was so focused on that that I ignored my breathing!! Can anyone else relate?

I had the same thing happen to me at the beginning of my struggle with Ha. I couldn't breathe properly. I went to the doc and I was fine oxygen-wise but I kept failing the breathing tests (where you try to blow into a tube) so they gave me an inhaler. That was a short term fix but I quickly realized that it was all just mental and once I accepted that my breathing got better.

You are fine, you just need to find a way to stop fixating so it passes.

13-01-17, 18:10
Yeah they looked like they checked everything they should have. Are you a smoker?

Sounds like you might be focusing on it too much. Your EKG would have showed if anything was wrong with your heart that is of concern to the DR. Thyroid problems can cause a lot of different symptoms. If I sat around and focus 100% on my breathing then I am sure I would get anxeity from it and I am sure I would not breathe as normal as if I was not focused on it.

I can't say for sure its anxeity over the Internet and not being a DR. But that's why you are seeing a DR. My advice try to find things to keep your mind off of it and see if it gets better for time being till your thyroid results come back.

Catherine S
13-01-17, 18:34
So glad you were reassured about your heart and lungs and i'm assuming your doctor has also told you you're not anaemic? as that can produce breathlessness, as can an underactive thyroid so its good that test has also been recomended. I was diagnosed with an underactive thyroid in 2010 and breathlessness was a big problem for me before it was treated. I've also suffered with skipped beats and flutters for many years but have never really connected these to my thyroid, but it's a possibility.

It seems that i'm focusing on possible physical reasons rather than on anxiety, and its not intended to worry you, but it's always good to have certain things eliminated so you know for sure, because as others have said, your symptoms can also be the result of anxiety too.

Be good to know what the thyroid blood test shows.

ISB :)

13-01-17, 19:05
Isb I was going to mention iron deficiency anaemia. I get short of breath when my iron drops

Catherine S
13-01-17, 19:14
Yes it can be a symptom capercrohnj, not enough red blood cells to help with oxygen absorbtion. Easily treated too.