View Full Version : Can you check something with your vision with me?

11-01-17, 21:47
Hey there,

Tonight I was standing out in the freezing cold for 90mins watching a local football match and I noticed that I could see a very slight rainbow around the floodlights - only them though and no other light sources.

It seems to only happen around very bright white light sources in dark situations like looking at the iPhone torch light. I can see a faint blue to yellow (I think?) ring.

Can someone please help me out and tell me if they notice the same thing with their torch on their phone? Or if you notice it around floodlights too?


11-01-17, 21:54
This is literally nothing to worry about. It's a normal phenomenon. I experience it whenever I go to a football match, as would anybody with working eyes. Or indeed any event where there are bright floodlights.

11-01-17, 23:51
Thank you so much, I couldn't even focus on the match as I got so worked up about it and I had to do the iPhone torch test. Glad to hear it's normal!

12-01-17, 02:08
I did the iphone torch test. I saw the rainbow and radial streaks coming from the light too. I now have a mess of blotchy after-images.

12-01-17, 02:26
I get this too...

12-01-17, 04:22
everyone get this it has nothing to do with your eyes and more to do with physics