View Full Version : Feel Sick After Eating Sugar, Scared of Diabetes

11-01-17, 23:35
Lately, even a little bit of sugar can make me feel sick. I feel nauseous, my stomach gets upset, I get really jittery and anxious. I've been worrying that I have diabetes.

Berries and fruits don't seem to affect me too much, but baked goods, chocolate, sweet drinks, or candy makes me feel this way. Caffeine can be a problem too but not to this extent. I had a fifth of a brownie a couple of hours ago and felt so bad that I was worried I should go to the hospital. Feeling better now though.

I don't have any of the normal symptoms. I had my blood sugar checked about a year ago and it was fine then. I've never been overweight and I generally eat pretty healthy. I'll eat chips and will sometimes have a drink or something sweet. I used to be able to eat sugar and the recent change has been really stressing me out. I also have bad acid reflux that started when my anxiety got bad.

Does anybody else have this problem with sugar? Is it normal to feel sick without having diabetes? Or could this be a sign of diabetes that I should have checked out?


12-01-17, 12:51
Feeling sick after eating sugary things is NOT how diabetes works. Meaning feeling as you describe does NOT indicate diabetes.

Pretty much anyone would feel like crap eating 5 brownies. Take a look at your diet and perhaps make some better food choices. We really don't need all the sugary snacks even IF they are delicious.

I think your are adding 2+2 and getting 6. In other words your anxious over thinking is lying to you.

12-01-17, 13:03
but baked goods, chocolate, sweet drinks, or candy makes me feel this way.

Thats because they are all full of shit.

Caffeine can be a problem too but not to this extent.

If anxiety was a fire, Caffeine and sweet drinks are like pouring gasoline on it.

12-01-17, 13:05
^^~lol~^^ Couldn't have said it better myself SLA ;) Pass me a sugar and gluten free cookie will ya?

Positive thoughts

12-01-17, 13:12

I thought of you as I was writing that FMP. :D

12-01-17, 13:12
Chocolate itself is not as bad as you think. Especially dark chocolate, which I love but many don't. I refuse to stop eating chocolate. Life would be miserable. But I do ration myself these days. Plus, it gives me horrendous reflux issues.

12-01-17, 13:17
I refuse to stop eating chocolate. Life would be miserable. But I do ration myself these days. Plus, it gives me horrendous reflux issues.

Yeah... Been doing the FODMAP diet for reflux and chocolate is a no no. I'm more of a white chocolate fan anyway and sneak a piece once in a while so I hear you. Sweets sometimes help make life sweet.

Positive thoughts

12-01-17, 15:49
Pretty much anyone would feel like crap eating 5 brownies. Take a look at your diet and perhaps make some better food choices. We really don't need all the sugary snacks even IF they are delicious.

I only ate 1/5th of one brownie, definitely couldn't eat five. I do generally eat a very healthy diet (GF(because gluten makes me sick), Vegan(not for health reasons.) I eat lots of veggies, fruits, healthy fats and proteins.

What worries me is that even a tiny bit of sugar, will make me feel sick. Such as, maple syrup or a piece of a baked good. I generally don't eat much sugar at all, but I feel like there is something wrong with me if I get sick after eating just a tiny bit of sugar.

13-01-17, 00:45
Lately, even a little bit of sugar can make me feel sick. I feel nauseous, my stomach gets upset, I get really jittery and anxious. I've been worrying that I have diabetes.

Berries and fruits don't seem to affect me too much, but baked goods, chocolate, sweet drinks, or candy makes me feel this way. Caffeine can be a problem too but not to this extent. I had a fifth of a brownie a couple of hours ago and felt so bad that I was worried I should go to the hospital. Feeling better now though.

I don't have any of the normal symptoms. I had my blood sugar checked about a year ago and it was fine then. I've never been overweight and I generally eat pretty healthy. I'll eat chips and will sometimes have a drink or something sweet. I used to be able to eat sugar and the recent change has been really stressing me out. I also have bad acid reflux that started when my anxiety got bad.

Does anybody else have this problem with sugar? Is it normal to feel sick without having diabetes? Or could this be a sign of diabetes that I should have checked out?


I ate two cupcakes a couple of years ago, and started to feel very weird, jittery, nauseous, and confused.
i became convinced this was the onset of diabetes.
But it never happened again; I don't think I've consumed that much sugar at one sitting since.
Perhaps this is the body's normal reaction to a sugar overload.
I mean, supposedly sugar makes a lot of kids hyper and irritable, even if they don't have diabetes.
It might not hurt to get it checked out, but I think the odds are good that you don't have it. Good luck.

13-01-17, 10:58
I only ate 1/5th of one brownie, definitely couldn't eat five. I do generally eat a very healthy diet (GF(because gluten makes me sick), Vegan(not for health reasons.) I eat lots of veggies, fruits, healthy fats and proteins.

What worries me is that even a tiny bit of sugar, will make me feel sick. Such as, maple syrup or a piece of a baked good. I generally don't eat much sugar at all, but I feel like there is something wrong with me if I get sick after eating just a tiny bit of sugar.

Okay I read your post wrong. However, diabetes still doesn't work that way. You are still adding 2+2 and getting 6.

Clydesdale Epona
13-01-17, 11:54
I only ate 1/5th of one brownie, definitely couldn't eat five. I do generally eat a very healthy diet (GF(because gluten makes me sick), Vegan(not for health reasons.) I eat lots of veggies, fruits, healthy fats and proteins.

What worries me is that even a tiny bit of sugar, will make me feel sick. Such as, maple syrup or a piece of a baked good. I generally don't eat much sugar at all, but I feel like there is something wrong with me if I get sick after eating just a tiny bit of sugar.

Honestly sometimes sugar just has an affect on us differently, how long have you been vegan? when my therapist got me to cut out sugar for two whole weeks to see if it made my heart better I had to start drinking sugarless tea because a certain amount of it just makes me feel like c**p, I'm just thinking as vegan is a fresh and healthy diet so your body might not be used to sugar now(I switched to soy milk for two years and trust me when I tell you if drink cows milk after a while your body will feel terrible because its not used to it) I've always found that my body doesn't 100% react nice to sugar because its not healthy, in my conclusion I'd say you maybe just naturally don't act well to sugar or your bodys not used it, I don't think its life threatening though x

13-01-17, 18:35
Honestly sometimes sugar just has an affect on us differently, how long have you been vegan? when my therapist got me to cut out sugar for two whole weeks to see if it made my heart better I had to start drinking sugarless tea because a certain amount of it just makes me feel like c**p, I'm just thinking as vegan is a fresh and healthy diet so your body might not be used to sugar now(I switched to soy milk for two years and trust me when I tell you if drink cows milk after a while your body will feel terrible because its not used to it) I've always found that my body doesn't 100% react nice to sugar because its not healthy, in my conclusion I'd say you maybe just naturally don't act well to sugar or your bodys not used it, I don't think its life threatening though x

I've been vegan for more than seven years, so I don't think it's that. I guess I might just be a sensitive person. Other people who have the same diet as me don't seem to have the same problem. Thanks for the ideas.